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Dunnewijk, Theo, Meijers, Huub and van Zon, Adriaan (2007). Accounting for the impact of information and communication technologies on total factor productivity: towards and endogenous growth approach. European Communities. 1050  
van Zon, Adriaan and Yetkiner, Ibrahim Hakan (2001). An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technological Change. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 889 246
van Zon, Adriaan and Lontzek, Thomas (2005). A 'putty-practically-clay' vintage model with R&D driven biases in energy-saving technical change. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 1033 249
van Zon, Adriaan (2001). A Simple Endogenous Growth Model With Asymmetric Employment Opportunities by Skill. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 1004 189
Verberne, Perry, van Zon, Adriaan and Muysken, Joan (1996). A Three-Sector Endogenous Growth Model with Combined Technological Change: the choice between basic innovations and quality improvements. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 955 594
van Zon, Adriaan and David, Paul A. (2013). Designing an optimal 'tech fix' path to global climate stability: Directed R&D and embodied technical change in a multi-phase framework. UNU-MERIT. 894 216
van Zon, Adriaan and David, Paul A. (2013). Designing an optimal 'tech fix' path to global climate stability: R&D in a multi-phase climate policy framework. UNU-MERIT. 840  
van Zon, Adriaan and Antonietti, Roberto (2005). Education and Training in a Model of Endogenous Growth with Creative Destruction. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 936 307
van Zon, Adriaan and Wiebe, Kirsten (2010). Efficient Development Portfolio Design for Sub Saharan Africa. UNU-MERIT. 746 163
van Zon, Adriaan and Mupela, Evans (2010). Endogenous Economic Growth through Connectivity. UNU-MERIT. 738  
van Zon, Adriaan and Sanders, Mark (2000). Endogenous Technical Change and Skill Biases in Employment Opportunities. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 851 165
van Zon, Adriaan and Kronenberg, Tobias (2005). General Purpose Technologies and Energy Policy. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 800 338
van Zon, Adriaan and Muysken, Joan (2003). Health as a Principal Determinant of Economic Growth. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 969 674
van Zon, Adriaan and Muysken, Joan (1997). Health, Education and Endogenous Growth. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 1024 387
van Zon, Adriaan, Fortune, Emmanuelle and Kronenberg, Tobias (2003). How to Sow and Reap as You Go: a Simple Model of Cyclical Endogenous Growth. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 698 205
van Zon, Adriaan and Fuss, Sabine (2005). Investing in Energy Conversion Technologies - An Optimum Vintage Portfolio Selection Approach. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 764 207
van Zon, Adriaan and Fuss, Sabine (2006). Irreversible Investment under Uncertainty in Electricity Generation: A Clay-Clay-Vintage Portfolio Approach with an Application to Climate Change Policy in the UK. UNU-MERIT. 724 269
van Zon, Adriaan and Kiiver, Hannah (2006). On the Persistence of Inequality in the Distribution of Personal Abilities and Income. UNU-MERIT. 729 163
van Zon, Adriaan, Meijers, Huub and Muysken, Joan (1997). On Trickling Chimneys and other Unemployment Misery. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 989 189
David, Paul A. and van Zon, Adriaan (2012). Optimal multi-phase transition paths toward a stabilized global climate: Integrated dynamic requirements analysis for the 'tech fix'. UNU-MERIT. 824 189
Straathof, Bas and van Zon, Adriaan (2002). Research in energy conversion technologies: Policy instruments and uncertainty. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 620 132
Meijers, Huub and van Zon, Adriaan (1994). RUM, a Recursive Update Putty-Semi-Putty Vintage Production Model: Sectoral Estimation Results For Germany and the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 988 196
van Zon, Adriaan (1994). RUM: a Simple Recursive Update Model Providing a Condensed Representation of a Putty-Semi-Putty Vintage Model. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 1047 140
van Zon, Adriaan, Meijers, Huub and Muysken, Joan (1998). Sweeping the Chimney before Kindling the Fire as a Workable Option for Employment Policy. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 888 309
van Zon, Adriaan and Schmidt, Tobias S. (2008). To Be or Not to Be at the BOP: A One-North-Many-Souths Model with Subsistence and Luxury Goods. UNU-MERIT. 779 145
David, Paul A., Huang, Can, Soete, Luc and van Zon, Adriaan (2009). Toward a Global Science and Technology Policy Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNU Policy Brief. United Nations University. 846 162
David, Paul A., Huang, Can, Soete, Luc and Zon, Adriaan van (2009). UNU Policy Brief Number 4, 2009. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 269 54
van Zon, Adriaan (2005). Vintage Modelling for Dummies using the Putty-Practically-Clay Approach. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 708 147
Muysken, Joan, Sanders, Mark and van Zon, Adriaan (1998). Wage Divergence and Asymmetries in Unemployment in a Model with Biased Technical Change. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 822 212