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Ramalingaswami Centre on Equity and Social Determinants of Health, Renu Khanna, Shreelata Rao Seshadri, V. Srinidhi, Anuradha Sreevathsa, Amruta Bavadekar, Radhika Kaulgud and Durga Vernekar (2023). Gender integration in medical education in Maharashtra and other states (India). What Works? Integrating Gender into Government Health Programmes in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. UNU International Institute for Global Health. 116 161
Ramalingaswami Centre on Equity and Social Determinants of Health, Shreelata Rao Seshadri, Rajalakshmi RamPrakash, Johanna Riha, Zaida Orth and Michelle de Jong (2023). Meeting the healthcare needs of the transgender community – The gender guidance clinics of Tamil Nadu (India). What Works? Integrating Gender into Government Health Programmes in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. UNU International Institute for Global Health. 277 144
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