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Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Nandika, Muhammad Rizki, Hernawan, Udhi Eko, Rachman, Herlambang Aulia, Chatterjee, Uday, Adi, Novy Susetyo, Alifatri, La Ode, Eguchi, Tsuyoshi, Supriyadi, Indarto Happy, Hanifa, Nuraini Rahma, Prayudha, Bayu, Djamil, Yudha Setiawan, Oktaviani, Aulia, Wouthuyzen, Sam, Sulha, Siti, Renyaan, Jeverson and Muslim, Aidy M., (2024). Application of coastal hazard index to advance nature based protection for coastal communities in the small islands. Discover Applied Sciences, 6 n/a-n/a 124 41
Rachman, Herlambang Aulia, Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Hidayah, Zainul, Syah, Achmad Fachruddin, Nandika, Muhammad Rizki, Lumban-Gaol, Jonson, As-syakur, Abd. Rahman and Syamsudin, Fadli, (2024). Dynamic of upwelling variability in southern Indonesia region revealed from satellite data: Role of ENSO and IOD. Journal of Sea Research, 202 n/a-n/a 91 31
Nandika, Muhammad Rizki, Rachman, Herlambang Aulia, Eguchi, Tsuyoshi, Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Chatterjee, Uday, Adi, Novi Susetyo, Husain, Badrul Huda and Muslim, Aidy M. ed. Sentinel-1 SAR Imaging for Detection and Analysis of Oil Spills in the Coastal Waters of Bintan: A Case Study and Environmental Monitoring Application 2023/10/23-27 Bali, Indonesia. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024. 132  
Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Rachman, Herlambang Aulia, As-syakur, Abd Rahman, Setiawan, Riza Yuliratno, Syahailatua, Augy and Wouthuyzen, Sam, (2024). The habitat preference of commercial tuna species based on a daily environmental database approach in the tropical region of the Eastern Indian Ocean off Java-Bali waters. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 216(105400), n/a-n/a 93