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Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Ibrahim, Boubacar and Tambo, Erick Gankam, "Groundwater resources development for livelihoods enhancement in the sahel region: a case study of Niger" in Groundwater for Sustainable Livelihoods and equitable Growth ed. Re, Viviana, Manzione, Rodrigo Lilla, Abiye, Tamiru A., Mukherji, Aditi and MacDonald, Alan (Leiden: CRC Press, 2022), 25-61. 315  
Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Ibrahim, Boubacar and Tambo, Erick Gankam, "Groundwater resources development for livelihoods enhancement in the sahel region: a case study of Niger" in Groundwater for Sustainable Livelihoods and equitable Growth ed. Re, Viviana, Manzione, Rodrigo Lilla, Abiye, Tamiru A., Mukherji, Aditi and MacDonald, Alan (Leiden: CRC Press, 2022), 25-61. 363  
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