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Floor Brouwer, Caucci, Serena, Karthe, Daniel, Madani, Kaveh, Kirschke, Sabrina, Mueller, Andrea, Zhang, Lulu and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2024). Advancing the resource nexus concept for research and practice. Sustainability Nexus Forum, 31 41-65 105  
Georgiou, Isabella, Caucci, Serena, Morris, Jonathan, Guenther, Edeltraud and Krebs, Peter, (2022). Assessing the Potential of Water Reuse Uptake Through a Private–Public Partnership: a Practitioner’s Perspective. Circular Economy and Sustainability, n/a-n/a 504  
Morris, Jonathan, Georgiou, Isabella, Guenther, Edeltraud and Caucci, Serena, (2021). Barriers in Implementation of Wastewater Reuse: Identifying the Way Forward in Closing the Loop. Circular Economy and Sustainability, n/a-n/a 2350  
Hillmann, Julia, Bergmann, Anne and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2022). Benefits of Building Organizational Resilience: The Case of Climate Change. Highlights of Sustainability, 1(4), 233-252 247  
Junge, Lisa, Adam, Nora, Morris, Jonathan C. and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2023). Building a Biodiversity-Positive Circular Economy: the Potential of Recycling Using Industrial Symbiosis. Circular Economy and Sustainability, n/a-n/a 233  
Koep, Lisa, Morris, Jonathan, Dembski, Nina and Guenther, Edeltraud, "Buying Practices in the Textile and Fashion Industry: Past, Present and Future" in Sustainable Textile and Fashion Value Chains: Drivers, Concepts, Theories and Solutions ed. Matthes, André, Beyer, Katja, Cebulla, Holger and Arnold, Marlen Gabriele (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2021), 55-73. 933  
Loghmani-Khouzani, Taha, Dany, Victoria, Seifert, Nadine, Madani, Kaveh and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2024). Can citizen science in water-related nature-based solutions deliver transformative participation in agri-food systems? A review.. Agricultural Systems, 220 n/a-n/a 51  
Loghmani-Khouzani, Taha, Dany, Victoria, Seifert, Nadine, Madani, Kaveh and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2024). Can citizen science in water-related nature-based solutions deliver transformative participation in agri-food systems? A review. Agricultural Systems, 220 104052-n/a 71  
Fietz, Bernhard and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Changing Organizational Culture to Establish Sustainability. Controlling & Management Review, 65 32-40 719  
Scope, Christoph, Vogel, Maria and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2022). Corrigendum to: Greener, cheaper, or more sustainable: Reviewing sustainability assessments of maintenance strategies of concrete structures. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30 1095-n/a 164  
Fietz, Bernhard, Hillmann, Julia and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Cultural Effects on Organizational Resilience: Evidence from the NAFTA Region. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, n/a-n/a 651  
Schüttrumpf, H., Stamm, J., Zimmermann, R., Diederich, S., Lindner, A., Guenther, Edeltraud and Karthe, Daniel, (2022). Das Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre. Wasser und Abfall, (5), n/a-n/a 331  
Lueddeckens, Stefan, Saling, Peter and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Discounting and life cycle assessment: a distorting measure in assessments, a reasonable instrument for decisions. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, n/a-n/a 432  
Kjellén, Marianne, Sinha, Ranu, Hebart-Coleman, David, Yaari, Elizabeth, Muratore, Enrico, Loeffen, Amanda, Pories, Lesley, Priscoli, Jerome Delli, Garrick, Dustin, Gilson, Gina, Herron, Colin, Guenther, Edeltraud, Jindal, Ambika, Willemart, Sebastien, Webley, Nicole and Kinna, Rémy, "Enabling multi-value approaches in water governance" in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2021: Valuing Water (Paris: UNESCO, 2021), 120-132. 550 327
Lee, Eunjoo and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2019). End ‘End-of-Pipe’ Thinking to Gear Up Sustainability Thinking. Green Growth Knowledge Platform, n/a-n/a 492  
Bergmann, Patrick, Kamarás, Endre, Gleißner, Werner and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Enhanced Cash Flow Valuation in Real Estate Management by Integrating Innovative Materials and Risk Assessment. Sustainability, 12(6), 1-26 659  
Huang-Lachmann, Jo-Ting and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). From Dichotomy to an Integrated Approach: Cities’ Benefits of Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Sustainability, 12(18), 1-17 601  
Scope, Christoph, Vogel, Maria and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Greener, cheaper, or more sustainable: Reviewing sustainability assessments of maintenance strategies of concrete structures. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 26 838-858 548  
Curosu, Iurie, Mechtcherine, Viktor, Vo, Duy M. P., Sennewald, Cornelia, Cherif, Chokri, Wölfel, Enrico, Scheffler, Christina, Gong, Ting, Heravi, Ali A., Tamsen, Erik, Balzani, Daniel, Shehni, Alaleh, Häußler-Combe, Ulrich, Fuchs, Alexander, Kaliske, Michael, Scope, Christoph and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Impaktsicherheit von Baukonstruktionen durch mineralisch gebundene Komposite: Materialebene. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 116(1), 45-57 460  
Zarei, Azin, Madani, Kaveh, Guenther, Edeltraud, Mohammadi Nasrabadi, Hamid and Hoff, Holger, (2024). Integrated nexus approach to assessing climate change impacts on grassland ecosystem dynamics: A case study of the grasslands in Tanzania. Science of the Total Environment, 952 175691-n/a 34  
Schneider, Christian P., Guenther, Edeltraud and Möst, Dominik, (2024). International technology transfer to Africa in light of the SDGs: What do we know about the barriers?. Journal of International Development, n/a-n/a 32  
Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Ökologie – Motor der Ökonomie. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, n/a-n/a 427  
Guenther, Edeltraud, Becker-Thierry, Sabine, Nebel, Bastian and Kirschke, Sabrina, (2021). Leistungsmessung an der Universität der Vereinten Nationen: Eine Perspektive aus dem nicht-wirtschaftlichen Bereich. Controlling, 33(6), 36-43 410 90
Jordaan, Sarah M., Combs, Cory and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Life cycle assessment of electricity generation: A systematic review of spatiotemporal methods. Advances in Applied Energy, 3 1-15 533  
Nishitani, Kimitaka, Kokubu, Katsuhiko, Wu, Qi, Kitada, Hirotsugu, Guenther, Edeltraud and Guenther, Thomas, (2022). Material flow cost accounting (MFCA) for the circular economy: An empirical study of the triadic relationship between MFCA, environmental performance, and the economic performance of Japanese companies. Journal of Environmental Management, 303 114219-n/a 147  
Ahnert, Markus, Arndt, Mandy, Barth, Matthias, Beil, Stephan, Börnick, Hilmar, Braeckevelt, Mareike, Fauler, Joachim, Fritsche, Gerold, Guenther, Edeltraud, Helm, Björn, Jaeckel, Liv, Jungmann, Dirk, Koch, Christian, Krannich, Teresa, Lucke, Norbert, Matthies, Cathleen and Minor, Lisa (2021). MikroModell: Entwicklung eines Stoffflussmodells und Leitfadens zur Emissionsminderung von Mikroschadstoffen im Hinblick auf die Wasserqualität Schlußbericht. Qucosa. 441  
Hatzfeld, Tobias, Backes, Jana Gerta, Guenther, Edeltraud and Traverso, Marzia, (2022). Modeling circularity as Functionality Over Use-Time to reflect on circularity indicator challenges and identify new indicators for the circular economy.. Journal of Cleaner Production, 379 134797-n/a 187  
Guenther, Edeltraud, (2018). Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften lohnt sich. Springer Professional, n/a-n/a 679  
Guenther, Edeltraud, Greiling, Dorothea and Elert Soares, Thiago (2021). Nichtregierungsorganisationen als Träger der ehrenamtlichen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Sachsen. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 610 151
Hillmann, Julia and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Organizational Resilience: A Valuable Construct for Management Research?. International Journal of Management Reviews, 00 1-38 965  
Gomes, Kamol, Guenther, Edeltraud, Morris, Jon, Miggelbrink, Judith and Caucci, Serena, (2022). Resource nexus oriented decision making along the textile value chain: The case of wastewater management.. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability., 4 100153-n/a 224  
Hatzfeld, Tobias, Schlüter, Dominik, Scope, Christoph, Krois, Konrad, Guenther, Edeltraud, Etzold, Bastian and Curbach, Manfred, (2022). Rethinking residential energy storage: GHG minimization potential of a Carbon Reinforced Concrete facade with function integrated supercapacitors. Building and Environment, 224 109520-n/a 167  
Seidel, Andres, May, Nadine, Guenther, Edeltraud and Ellinger, Frank, (2021). Scenario-based Analysis of the Carbon Mitigation Potential of 6G-enabled 3D Videoconferencing in 2030. Telematics and Informatics, 64 1-15 398  
May, Nadine and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2019). Shared benefit by Material Flow Cost Accounting in the food supply chain – The case of berry pomace as upcycled by-product of a black currant juice production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 245 1-17 628  
Damert, Matthias, Koep, Lisa, Guenther, Edeltraud and Morris, Jonathan, (2020). Stakeholders and socially responsible supply chain management: the moderating role of internationalization. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, n/a-n/a 613  
Heller, Denise, Dziumla, Juliane, de la Garza, Maria and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2024). Sustainability against the logics of the state: Political and institutional barriers in the Chilean infrastructure sector. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 51 n/a-n/a 33  
Roos, Nicolas, Sassen, Remmer and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2023). Sustainability governance toward an organizational sustainability culture at German higher education institutions. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 24(3), 553-583 136  
Chapagain, Saroj Kumar, Dorsch, Marcel J., Guenther, Edeltraud and Messner, Dirk, (2024). Sustainability Nexus Forum: a common agora for systemic contributions towards the global sustainability transformation. Sustainability Nexus Forum, n/a-n/a 61  
Karthe, Daniel, Reeh, Tobias, Kempf, Felix, Lee, Halim and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Sustainable recovery of tourism in the post-COVID-19 world: Advocacy for a Resource Nexus perspective. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 13(3), 324-332 423  
Lueddeckens, Stefan, Saling, Peter and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Temporal issues in life cycle assessment - a systematic review. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 1385-1401 780  
Roos, Nicolas, Heinicke, Xaver, Guenther, Edeltraud and Guenther, Thomas W., (2020). The Role of Environmental Management Performance in Higher Education Institutions. Sustainability, 12(2), 1-17 722  
May, Nadine, Guenther, Edeltraud and Haller, Peer, (2020). The sustainable use of wood as a regional resource—an ecological assessment of common and new processing technologies for wood poles. Sustainability Management Forum, 27 177-201 557  
Plewnia, Frederik and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). The Transition Value of Business Models for a Sustainable Energy System: The Case of Virtual Peer-to-Peer Energy Communities. Organization & Environment, 34(3), 479-503 476  
Walz, Matthias and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). What effects does material flow cost accounting have for companies?: Evidence from a case studies analysis. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 1-21 588