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Janzen, Sally, Emerton, Lucy, van der Geest, Kees, Narvaez, Liliana and Sebesvari, Zita, (2021). Assessing losses and damages to ecosystem services: current state and opportunities for the Warsaw International Mechanism under the UNFCCC. Climate Policy, 21(7), 912-926 2102  
Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen, Galvin, Stephen, Nehren, Udo, Moos, Christine, Vicarelli, Marta, Walz, Yvonne, Emerton, Lucy, Triyanti, Annisa and Doswald, Nathalie, (2025). Editorial: Special issue: Nature-based solutions for reducing disaster risk. What is the evidence?. Nature-Based Solutions, 7(100207), 1-4    
Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen, Arce-Mojica, Teresa, Boehmer, Hans Juergen, Doswald, Nathalie, Emerton, Lucy, Friess, Dan A., Galvin, Stephen, Hagenlocher, Michael, James, Harrhy, Laban, Peter, Lacambra, Carmen, Lange, Wolfram, McAdoo, Brian G., Moos, Christiane, Mysiak, Jaroslav, Narvaez, Liliana, Nehren, Udo, Peduzzi, Pascal, Renaud, Fabrice G., Sandholz, Simone, (2021). Scientific evidence for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. Nature Sustainability, 1-8 861  
Kelemen, Eszter, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Ágnes Zólyomi, Amaruzaman, Sacha, Porter-Bolland, Luciana, Islar, Mine, Kosmus, Marina, Nakangu, Barbara, Nuesiri, Emmanuel, Robles, Gabriela A, Yiu, Evonne, Emerton, Lucy and Zólyomi, Ágnes, (2023). Signposts on the road toward transformative governance: how a stronger focus on diverse values can enhance environmental policies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64(October 2023), 1877-3435 207 78