Search Results (Keywords:"Labor", Subject:"Economic development")

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Hayat, Faraz and Golub, Stephen S. (2014). Employment, Unemployment, and Underemployment in Africa. UNU-WIDER.  4.62 446  
Glyn, Andrew and Rowthorn, Robert (1988). The Diversity of Unemployment Experience Since 1973. UNU-WIDER.  4.25 214  
Montes, Manuel F. (1997). Viet Nam : Transition as a Socialist Project in East Asia. UNU-WIDER.  3.98 592  
Arora, Ashish and Athreye, Suma (2001). The Software Industry and India's Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.  3.98 615  
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1992). Development and Patriarchy : the Middle East and North Africa in Economic and Demographic Transition. UNU-WIDER.  3.98 685  
McCormick, Barry and Wahba, Jackline (2004). Return International Migration and Geographical Inequality : The Case of Egypt. UNU-WIDER.  3.89 378  
Jäntti, Markus, Saari, Juho and Vartiainen, Juhana (2006). Growth and Equity in Finland. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 396  
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1993). Gender and the Development Process in a Changing Global Environment. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 624  
Letnes, Bjørn and Moses, Jonathon W. (2003). If People were Money : Estimating the Potential Gains from Increased International Migration. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 320  
Kakwani, Nanak, Neri, Marcelo Cortes and Son, Hyun H. (2009). Linkages between Pro-Poor Growth, Social Programmes and Labour Market : The Recent Brazilian Experience. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 348  
Wolf, Alison (2010). Two for the Price of One? The Contribution to Development of the New Female Elites. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 374  
Fields, Gary S. (2012). Aid, Growth, and Jobs. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 601  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2002). ICT Opportunities and Challenges for Development in the Arab World. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 335  
Seo, Hwan-Joo, Lee, Young and Oh, Jeong Hun (2002). Digital Divide and Growth Gap : A Cumulative Relationship. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 471  
Benjamin, Nancy and Mbaye, Ahmadou Aly (2014). Informality, Growth, and Development in Africa. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 372  
Hur, Jai-Joon, Seo, Hwan-Joo and Lee, Young (2002). ICT Diffusion and Skill Upgrading in Korean Industries. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 305  
Desai, Meghnad (2008). Southern Engines of Global Growth : Very Long Cycles or Short Spurts?. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 381  
Cruces, Guillermo, Fields, Gary S., Jaume, David and Viollaz, Mariana (2015). The growth-employment-poverty nexus in Latin America in the 2000s : Brazil country study. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 366  
Abbott, Philip, Tarp, Finn and Wu, Ce (2015). Structural transformation, biased technological change, and employment in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 528  
Ozawa, Terutomo (2006). Asia's Labour-Driven Economic Development, Flying-Geese Style : An Unprecedented Opportunity for the Poor to Rise?. UNU-WIDER.  3.73 545  
Lundvall, Bengt-Ake (2009). The Danish Model and the Globalizing Learning Economy : Lessons for Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER.  3.53 301  
Bryceson, Deborah Fahy (2014). Youth in Tanzania’s Urbanizing Mining Settlements : Prospecting a Mineralized Future. UNU-WIDER.  3.47 301  
Kuznetsov, Yevgeny and Sabel, Charles F. (2006). Global Mobility of Talent from a Perspective of New Industrial Policy : Open Migration Chains and Diaspora Networks. UNU-WIDER.  3.47 414  
van der Hoeven, Rolph (2012). Development Aid and Employment. UNU-WIDER.  3.47 451  
Jäntti, Markus and Vartiainen, Juhana (2009). The Finnish Developmental State and its Growth Regime. UNU-WIDER.  3.34 424  
Markussen, Thomas (2015). Social and political capital in rural Viet Nam. UNU-WIDER.  3.34 346  
Sserwanga, Arthur, Szirmai, Adam and Rooks, Gerrit (2009). Interplay of Human and Social Capital in Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries : The Case of Uganda. UNU-WIDER.  3.21 610