Search Results (Keywords:"Global politics")

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Benvenutti, Andrea and Murray, Philomena, "EU-Australia relations" in The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia relations ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2013), 603-617.  4.70 509  
Acharya, Amitav, "Comparative regionalism: A field whose time has come?" in Regionalism in a changing world: Comparative perspectives in the new global order ed. Fioramonti,Lorenzo (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013), 3-15.  4.70 568  
Van Langenhove, Luk, "Why We Need to 'Unpack' Regions to Compare Them More Effectively" in Regionalism in a Changing World: Comparative Perspectives in the New Global Order ed. Fioramonti, Lorenzo (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013), 16-29.  4.70 562  
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, "Building Regions from Below: Has the Time Come for Regionalism 2.0?" in Regionalism in a changing world: comparative perspectives in the new global order ed. Fioramonti, Lorenzo (Abington: Routledge, 2013), 156-168.  4.70 562  
Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena, "Conclusion" in The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia relations ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 618-642.  4.70 583  
Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena, "Introduction" in The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia relations ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 1-11.  4.70 499  
Xinning, Song, "Security and the Role of China" in The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia relations ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 471-480.  3.78 523  
Chattu, Vijay Kumar, Knight, W. A., Adisesh, Anil, Yaya, Sanni, Reddy, K. S., Ruggiero, Erica D., Aginam, Obijiofor, Aslanyan, Garry, Clarke, Michael, Massoud, M. R. and Jha, Ashish, (2021). Politics of disease control in Africa and the critical role of global health diplomacy: A systematic review. Health Promotion Perspectives, 11(1), 20-31  3.78 145 466
Henderson, Jeffrey W. (2008). China and the Future of the Developing World : The Coming Global-Asian Era and its Consequences. UNU-WIDER.  2.42 576  
Correa Neto Ribeiro, Clarissa, Overlapping Regional Organizations in South America and Africa - Coexistence through Political Crises, (Switzerland: Springer, 2022).  1.56 75