Search Results (Keywords:"Coastal ecosystems", Author ID:"Sale, Peter F.")

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Sale, Peter F., Agardy, Tundi, Ainsworth, Cameron H., Feist, Blake E., Bell, Johann D., Christie, Patrick, Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Mumby, Peter J., Feary, David A., Saunders, Megan I., Daw, Tim M., Foale, Simon J., Levind, Phillip S., Lindeman, Kenyon C., Lorenzen, Kai, Pomeroy, Robert S., Allison, Edward H., Bradbury, Roger H., Corrin, Jennifer, Edwards, Alasdair J., (2014). Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 85(1), n/a-n/a  8.64 838  
Feary, David A., Burt, John A., Bauman, Andrew G., Usseglio, Paolo, Sale, Peter F. and Cavalcante, Geórgenes H., (2011). Fish communities on the world's warmest reefs: what can they tell us about the effects of climate change in the future?. Journal of Fish Biology, 77(8), 1931-47  8.64 613  
Mora, Camilo and Sale, Peter F., (2011). Ongoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond protected areas: a review of the technical and practical shortcomings of protected areas on land and sea. Marine Ecology, :251-266  8.64 557  
Burt, John A., Feary, David A., Usseglio, Paolo, Bauman, Andrew G. and Sale, Peter F., (2010). The Influence of Wave Exposure on Coral Community Development on Man-Made Breakwater Reefs, with a Comparison to a Natural Reef. Bulletin of Marine Science, 86(4), 839-859  8.64 671  
Sale, Peter F., Agardy, Tundi, Ainsworth, Cameron H., Feist, Blake E., Bell, Johann D., Christie, Patrick, Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Mumby, Peter J., Feary, David A., Saunders, Megan I. and Daw, Tim M., (2014). Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 85(1), 1-16  8.64 651 260
Sale, Peter F., (2008). Management of coral reefs: Where we have gone wrong and what we can do about it. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56(5), 805-809  8.64 544  
Van Lavieren, Hanneke, Metcalfe, Chris D., Drouillard, Kenneth, Sale, Peter F., Bouchot, Gerardo Gold, Reid, Raymond and Vermeulen, Lucie, (2011). Strengthening Coastal Pollution Management in the Wider Caribbean Region. Proceedings of the 64th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institut, 1-11  8.64 664 305
Sale, Peter F., Feary, David A., Burt, John A., Bauman, Andrew G., Cavalcante, Geórgenes H., Drouillard, Kenneth, Kjerfve, Björn, Marquis, Elise, Trick, Charles, Usseglio, Paolo and Van Lavieren, Hanneke, (2011). The Growing Need for Sustainable Ecological Management of Marine Communities of the Persian Gulf. AMBIO, 40(1), n/a-n/a  8.64 521  
Burt, John A., Feary, David A., Bauman, Andrew G., Usseglio, Paolo, Cavalcante, Georgenes H. and Sale, Peter F., (2011). Biogeographic patterns of reef fish community structure in the northeastern Arabian Peninsula. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(9), 1875-1883  8.64 747  
Burt, John A., Bartholomew, Aaron, Bauman, Andrew G., Saif, Abdulla and Sale, Peter F., (2009). Coral recruitment and early benthic community development on several materials used in the construction of artificial reefs and breakwaters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 373(1), 72-78  8.64 855  
Sale, Peter F., Butler, Mark J., Hooten, Anthony J., Kritzer, Jacob P., Lindeman, Kenyon C., Sadovy de Mitcheson, Yvonne J., Steneck, Robert and Van Lavieren, Hanneke (2008). Stemming Decline of the Coastal Ocean: Rethinking Environmental Management. UNU-INWEH.  8.64 578 111
Sale, Peter F., (2013). Animal behaviour: Older but less wise. NATURE, 493  8.64 692  
Burt, John A., Bartholomew, Aaron, Usseglio, Paolo, Bauman, Andrew G. and Sale, Peter F., (2009). Are artificial reefs surrogates of natural habitats for corals and fish in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?. Coral Reefs, 28(3), 663-675  8.64 904  
Van Lavieren, Hanneke, Burt, John A., Feary, David A., Cavalcante, Geórgenes H., Marquis, Elise, Benedetti, Lisa S., Trick, Charles, Kjerfve, Björn and Sale, Peter F. (2011). Managing the growing impacts of development on fragile coastal and marine ecosystems: Lessons from the Gulf. UNU-INWEH.  8.64 540 216
Burt, John A., Bartholomew, Aaron and Sale, Peter F., (2011). Benthic development on large-scale engineered reefs: A comparison of communities among breakwaters of different age and natural reefs. Ecological Engineering, 37(2), 191-198  8.64 722  
Hogan, James Derek, Sale, Peter F., Heath, Daniel D. and Thiessen, Roger J., (2012). Local retention, dispersal and fluctuating connectivity among populations of a coral reef fish. Oecologia, 168 61-71  8.64 586 394