Search Results (Keywords:"Coastal ecosystems", Copyright Date:" [2012\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2012\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Cavalcante, Geórgenes H., Kjerfve, Björn and Feary, David A., (2010). Examination of residence time and its relevance to water quality within a coastal mega-structure: The Palm Jumeirah Lagoon. Journal of Hydrology, 468 111-119  5.25 584  
Cavalcante, Geórgenes H., Kjerfve, Björn and Feary, David A., (2012). Examination of residence time and its relevance to water quality within a coastal mega-structure: The Palm Jumeirah Lagoon. Journal of Hydrology, 469 111-119  5.25 647  
Feary, David A., Burt, John A., Cavalcante, Georgenes H. and Bauman, Andrew G., (2012). Extreme Physical Factors and the Structure of Gulf Fish and Reef Communities. Coral Reefs of the World, 3 163-170  5.25 640  
Van Lavieren, Hanneke, Spalding, Mark, Alongi, Daniel M., Kainuma, Mami, Clüsener-Godt, Miguel and Adeel, Zafar (2012). Securing the Future of Mangroves. UNU-INWEH.  5.25 617 495
van Putten, Ingrid E., Quillérou, Emmanuelle and Guyader, Olivier, (2012). How constrained? Entry into the French Atlantic fishery through second-hand vessel purchase. Ocean & Coastal Management, 69 50-57  5.25 592  
Van Lavieren, Hanneke and Klaus, Rebecca, (2012). An effective regional Marine Protected Area network for the ROPME Sea Area: Unrealistic vision or realistic possibility?. Marine Pollution Bulletin,  5.25 858 1489
Quillérou, Emmanuelle and Guyader, Olivier, (2012). What is behind fleet evolution: a framework for flow analysis and application to the French Atlantic fleet. ICES Journal of Marine Science,  5.25 532  
Hogan, James Derek, Sale, Peter F., Heath, Daniel D. and Thiessen, Roger J., (2012). Local retention, dispersal and fluctuating connectivity among populations of a coral reef fish. Oecologia, 168 61-71  5.25 586 394