Search Results (Subtype:"Discussion paper", Keywords:"Economic development")

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Bigsten, Arne (2001). Relevance of the Nordic Model for African Development. UNU-WIDER.  4.47 330  
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2009). Understanding the African Growth Record : The Importance of Policy Syndromes and Governance. UNU-WIDER.  4.41 325  
Addison, Tony (2004). Development Policy : An Introduction for Students. UNU-WIDER.  4.40 849  
Nitzschke, Heiko and Malone, David (2005). Economic Agendas in Civil Wars : What We Know, What We Need to Know. UNU-WIDER.  4.40 629  
Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2005). Channels and Policy Debate in the Globalization-Inequality-Poverty Nexus. UNU-WIDER.  4.40 639  
Read, Robert (2001). Growth, Economic Development and Structural Transition in Small Vulnerable States. UNU-WIDER.  4.24 385  
Trebilcock, Anne (2005). Decent Work and the Informal Economy. UNU-WIDER.  4.24 583  
Cassimon, Danny and Renard, Robrecht (2001). On the Pitfalls of Measuring Aid. UNU-WIDER.  4.24 352  
Solimano, Andrés (2003). Development Cycles, Political Regimes and International Migration : Argentina in the Twentieth Century. UNU-WIDER.  4.24 579  
Gasper, Des (2004). Human Well-being : Concepts and Conceptualizations. UNU-WIDER.  4.24 438  
Perälä, Maiju (2003). Persistence of Underdevelopment : Does the Type of Natural Resource Endowment Matter?. UNU-WIDER.  4.22 347  
Tarp, Finn and Jensen, Henning Tarp (2001). On the Choice of Appropriate Development Strategy : Insights from CGE Modelling of the Mozambican Economy. UNU-WIDER.  4.22 414  
Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb (2003). Who Gains from Tariff Escalation?. UNU-WIDER.  4.22 358  
Davies, James B. (2004). Microsimulation, CGE and Macro Modelling for Transition and Developing Economies. UNU-WIDER.  4.16 331  
Guillaumont, Patrick and Guillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane (2007). Big Push versus Absorptive Capacity : How to Reconcile the Two Approaches. UNU-WIDER.  4.15 592  
Perälä, Maiju (2003). Looking at the Other Side of the Coin' : The Relationship between Classical Growth and Early Development Theories. UNU-WIDER.  4.15 319  
Kolodko, Grzegorz W. (2002). Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Market Economies. UNU-WIDER.  4.15 405  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2009). Aid and Growth : Have We Come Full Circle?. UNU-WIDER.  4.15 641  
Naudé, Wim and Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2009). The Global Economic Crisis : Towards Syndrome-Free Recovery for Africa. UNU-WIDER.  4.15 449  
Bulir, Ales and Hamann, A. Javier (2001). How Volatile and Unpredictable are Aid Flows, and What are the Policy Implications?. UNU-WIDER.  4.07 407  
Feeny, Simon (2003). What Determines Foreign Aid to Papua New Guinea? An Inter-temporal Model of Aid Allocation. UNU-WIDER.  4.07 300  
McGillivray, Mark (2003). Modelling Aid Allocation : Issues, Approaches and Results. UNU-WIDER.  4.07 335  
San Martin, Orlando (2001). Reaching the Poor : Fine Tuning Poverty Targeting Using a ‘Poverty Map’— the Case of Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  4.07 297  
Gibbon, Peter and Schulpen, Lau (2002). Comparative Appraisal of Multilateral and Bilateral Approaches to Financing Private Sector Development in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER.  4.07 455  
Anwar, Tilat (2002). Impact of Globalization and Liberalization on Growth, Employment and Poverty : A Case Study of Pakistan. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 305  
Abrego, Lisandro and Ross, Doris C. (2001). Debt Relief Under the HIPC Initiative : Context and Outlook for Debt Sustainability and Resource Flows. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 481  
Baulch, Bob, Cherel-Robson, Milasoa and McCulloch, Neil (2001). Poverty, Inequality and Growth in Zambia During the 1990s. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 393  
Wan, Guanghua (2002). Income Inequality and Growth in Transition Economies : Are Nonlinear Models Needed?. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 325  
Daveri, Francesco (2002). The New Economy in Europe, 1992-2001. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 263  
Chowdhury, Abdur (2001). The Impact of Financial Reform on Private Savings in Bangladesh. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 316  
Arora, Ashish and Athreye, Suma (2001). The Software Industry and India's Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 615  
Heltberg, Rasmus (2002). The Poverty Elasticity of Growth. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 296  
Hermes, Niels and Dijkstra, Geske (2001). The Uncertainty of Debt Service Payments and Economic Growth of HIPCs : Is there a Case for Debt Relief?. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 306  
Aochamub, Albertus, Stork, Christoph and Motinga, Daniel J. (2002). Economic Development Potential through IP Telephony for Namibia. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 348  
Kelly, Roger and Mavrotas, George (2003). Financial Sector Development - Futile or Fruitful? An Examination of the Determinants of Savings in Sri Lanka. UNU-WIDER.  4.03 510  
Tsikata, Yvonne M. (2001). Owning Economic Reforms : A Comparative Study of Ghana and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 331  
Heston, Alan W. and Aten, Bettina (2003). Regional Output Differences in International Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 312  
Warr, Peter (2002). Poverty Incidence and Sectoral Growth : Evidence from Southeast Asia. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 294  
White, Howard (2002). Long-run Trends and Recent Developments in Official Assistance from Donor Countries. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 314  
Wong, Poh-Kam (2001). ICT Production and Diffusion in Asia : Digital Dividends or Digital Divide?. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 390  
Danielson, Anders (2001). Can HIPC Reduce Poverty in Tanzania?. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 510  
Lazonick, William (2008). Entrepreneurial Ventures and the Developmental State : Lessons from the Advanced Economies. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 399  
McGillivray, Mark (2006). Aid Allocation and Fragile States. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 656  
Ravallion, Martin (2003). Externalities in Rural Development : Evidence for China. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 520  
Baliamoune-Lutz, Mina (2002). Assessing the Impact of One Aspect of Globalization on Economic Growth in Africa. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 487  
Kenny, Charles J. (2002). The Internet and Economic Growth in Least Developed Countries : A Case of Managing Expectations?. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 247  
Brautigam, Deborah and Woolcock, Michael (2001). Small States in a Global Economy : the Role of Institutions in Managing Vulnerability and Opportunity in Small Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 341  
Kronlid, Karin (2001). Household Welfare and Education in Urban Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 341  
Komives, Kristin, Whittington, Dale and Wu, Xun (2001). Access to Utilities by the Poor : A Global Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 597  
Kayizzi-Mugerwa, Steve (2002). Fiscal Policy, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Uganda. UNU-WIDER.  4.02 297