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Birkmann, Joern and Fleischhauer, Mark ed. Vulnerabilität von Raumnutzungen, Raumfunktionen und Raumstrukturen n/a n/a. n/a: n/a, 2012.  10.20 557  
Snorek, Julie ed. Presentation ‘Betting the inheritance: Paradoxical modes of adaptation amongst pastoral groups in Niger n/a Edinburgh.. Edinburgh.: n/a, 2012.  10.20 588  
Tambo, Erick Rostand Gankam, Hossini, Vilma, Nouira, Chahira, Rosenfeld, Jessica and Szarzynski, Joerg ed. Management of environmental risks and natural disasters: how can eLearning help? n/a Bonn. Bonn: n/a, 2012.  10.20 1188  
Setiadi, Neysa J., Taubenböck, Hannes, Raupp, Sonja and Birkmann, Joern ed. Integrating socio-economic data in spatial analysis: an exposure analysis method for planning urban risk mitigation n/a Vienna. Vienna: UNU-EHS, 2010.  10.20 638 174
Welle, Torsten and Birkmann, Joern ed. Development and visualisation of the WorldRiskIndex : tool for communication? n/a London.. London.: n/a, 2012.  10.20 645  
Snorek, Julie ed. Divergent modes of adaptation to hydro-climate hazards in Niger n/a Freiburg. Freiburg: n/a, 2012.  10.20 627  
Birkmann, Joern, Vollmer, Maike, Schanze, Jochen, Büscher, Dirk and Kufeld, Walter ed. Schlussfolgerungen: Ausblick und Handlungsempfehlungen für die räumliche Planung n/a n/a. n/a: n/a, 2012.  10.20 620  
Zschocke, Thomas and Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos ed. Towards an ontology for the description of learning resources on disaster risk reduction n/a Berlin / Hamburg. Berlin / Hamburg: n/a, 2010.  10.20 705 1246