De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Monitoring and Evaluating the Provision of (Donor-Funded) Regional Public Goods. Regions & Cohesion, 1(1), 101-123
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Kingah, Stephen and Bongkiyung, Pamela D., (2012). Moving beyond the last corrupt leaders in African politics: African Union-European Union cooperation. Cameroon Journal on Democracy and Human Rights, 6(1), 4-47
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Felício, Tânia, (2007). Multilevel Security Governance: Reinventing Multilateralism through Multiregionalism. Human Security Journal, 5(Winter), 50-58
216 |
Baert, Francis, (2015). 62 nachten in de opera: de geboorte van de Verenigde Naties. Wereldbeeld, 39(174), 51-69
202 |
Baert, Francis and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2008). Nieuw Veiligheidspartnerschap in de maak: Verenigde Naties en regionale organisaties. Internationale Spectator, 62(6), 349-354
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Radu, Roxana, Kettemann, Matthias C., Meyer, Trisha and Shahin, Jamal, (2021). Normfare: Norm Entrepreneurship in Internet Governance. Telecommunications Policy, 45(6), 02148-02148
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Tavares, Rodrigo, (2008). O Legado da Presidência Bush em África. Relações Internacionais, (19), 159-170
217 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2009). On the dynamic Measurement of Economic Openness. Journal of Policy Modelling, 31(5), 731-736
221 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Pietrangeli, Giulia and Adiwasito, Ernoko, (2006). On the Joint Assessment of Andean Integration in EU-CAN Relations. Studia Diplomatica, LVII(3), 115-143
183 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Opinie: De Europese Unie en de Verenigde Naties: Samen Sterk?. Wereldbeeld, (2), 23-25
138 |
Schunz, Simon, Gerards, Carsten and Damro, Chad, (2021). Opportunity, Presence and Entrepreneurship: Why the EU Acts Externally on Higher Education. Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(5), 1237-1254
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De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2004). Optimum Currency Area Theory, Inter-Industry Labour Mobility and Industrial Development Paths. International Economics/Economia Internazionale, LVII(4), 429-439
169 |
Kierzkowski, Henryk and Chen, Lurong, (2010). Outsourcing and Trade Imbalances: The U.S.-China Case. Pacific Economic Review, 15(1), 56-70
223 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2010). Over de Guillotine. De Sleutelbrug, 3-6
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Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). Over de Verenigde Naties, regio's en Europa. De Sleutelbrug, (2), 7-9
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Froitzheim, Meike, Schierenbeck, Isabell and Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2021). Peace Research Meets Implementation Studies: The Role of Implementing Actors. International Relations, 36(2), 285-306
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De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2004). Perspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries. Global Economic Review, 33(2), 57-78
158 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2014). Pleidooi voor een 'University College' in Brugge. Exit Magazine, 1-1
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Woolcock, Stephen, (2013). Policy diffusion in public procurement: the role of free trade agreements. International Negotiation, 18(1), 153-173
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Van Kerckhoven, Sven, (2021). Post-Brexit Leadership in European Finance. Politics and Governance, 9(10), 59-68
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Van Langenhove, Luk, (2008). Power to the Regions, but not yet Farewell to the Nation State. Europe's World, (Spring), 113-115
170 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Garay, Luis Jorge, (2007). Preferential Rules of Origin and the Multilateral Trading System: Pro-Development Policy Options. Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy, 42(5), 260-266
270 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Garay, Luis Jorge, (2005). Preferential Rules of Origin - EU and NAFTA Regulatory Models and the WTO. The Journal of World Investment and Trade, 6(6), 953-994
195 |
Mordonu, Aurora, (2005). President Basescu trekt ten strijde tegen de corruptie in Roemenië. Oost-Europa Tijdingen, 27(50), 45-48
161 |
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, (2012). Rebuilding regions in times of crises : the future of Europe and the 'voice' of citizens. Open Democracy,
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115 |
Chen, Lurong and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2011). Redes de distribución regional de la producción y organización en ejes en América latina y en el Este Asiático: una perspectiva a largo plazo. Integración & Comercio, 15(32), 21-39
190 |
Baert, Francis and Shaw, Timothy, (2015). Reform Starts Bottom-Up. Can Civil Society Get the Commonwealth Back on Track? (a Practitioner Commentary). Global Policy, 6(3), 325-327
207 |
Lizarozo Rodríguez, Liliana and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2015). Regional and Inter-Regional Economic Rules and the Enforcement of the Right to Health: The Case of Colombia. Global Social Policy, 15(3), 296-312
231 |
Gavin, Brigid, (2007). Regional energy cooperation in North East Asia - Lessons from the European Experience. Asia Europe Journal, 5(3), 401-415
238 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Macovei, Maria-Cristina, (2010). Regional Formations and Global Governance of Social Policy. IUP Journal of International Relations, IV(2-Jan), 30-50
223 |
Farrell, Mary, (2003). Regional Integration and Cohesion: Lessons for ASEAN from Spain and Ireland in the EU. Journal of Asian Economics, 14(6), 927-946
188 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2005). Regional Integration and Peace. Peace and Conflict Monitor, 5 1-1
164 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Naeher, Dominik and Saber, Takfarinas, (2021). Regional Integration Clusters and Optimum Customs Unions: A Machine-Learning Approach. Journal of Economic Integration, 36(2), 262-281
67 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). Regional Integration, Poverty and Social Policy. Global Social Policy, 7(3), 379-385
216 |
Kingah, Stephen, (1970). Regionalising Global Social Policy in Times of Crisis. Regions & Cohesion, 4(1), 3-28
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Gavin, Brigid, (2009). Regionalism and Regional Trade Agreements in Europe-Asia Trade Relations. Asia-Europe Journal, 7(1), 9-22
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Fioramonti, Lorenzo, (2012). Regionalism in a Changing World: Perspectives from Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The International Spectator, 41(1),
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Graham, Kennedy and Felício, Taniâ, (2005). Regional Organisations and Collective Security: The Role of the EU in The European Union and the United Nations: Partners in Effective Multilateralism. Chaillot Paper 78, (78), 83-92
204 |
Chen, Lurong and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2011). Regional Production Sharing Networks and Hub-ness in Latin America and East Asia: a Long-term Perspective. Integration & Trade, 15(32), 17-34
252 |
Deacon, Bob and Nita, Sonja, (2013). Regional social integration and free movement across borders: the role of social policy in enabling and preventing access to social entitlements by cross-border movers. Europe and Southern Africa compared. Regions and Cohesion, 3(1), 32-61
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Kingah, Stephen and Zwartjes, Marieke, (2015). Regulating money laundering for terrorism financing: EU-US transnational policy networks and the financial action task force. Contemporary Politics, 21(3, Special Issue: The European Union’s Engagement with Transnational Policy Networks), 341-353
295 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Deacon, Bob, Macovei, Maria-Cristina and Nita, Sonja, (2011). Reinforcing Regional Rights: Labour and Migration. UNU Website, 1-1
201 |
Slocum-Bradley, Nikki R., (2013). Relational constructionism: generative theory and practice for conflict engagement and resolution. International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 1(1), 114-128
513 |
Tavares, Rodrigo, (2008). Resolving the Kashmir Conflict: Pakistan, India, Kashmiris and Religious Militants. Asian Journal of Political Science, 16(3), 276-302
331 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Warleigh-Lack, Alex, (2010). Rethinking EU Studies: The Contribution of Comparative Regionalism. Journal of European Integration, 32(6), 541-562
296 |
Rettberg, Angelika, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Lizarozo Rodríguez, Liliana and Ortiz-Riomalo, Juan Felipe , (2014). Rights, Free Trade, and Politics: The Strategic Use of a Rights Discourse in the Negotiation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Colombia Internacional, 81 129-165
256 |
Mordonu, Aurora, (2004). Roemenië en Bulgarije: op naar de EU-toetreding in 2007?. Oost-Europa Tijdingen, 26(46), 17-19
197 |
Jetschke, Anja, Acharya, Amitav, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Katsumata, H. and Pempel, T.J., (2015). Roundtable: Studying Asian and Comparative Regionalism Through Acharya, Amitav's Work. Int Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 15(3), 537-566
216 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). Science Diplomacy: New Global Challenges, New Trend. RSIS Commentary, 4-4
166 |
Kingah, Stephen and Amaya, Ana B., (2014). Seeking Answers about Health on Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Our World, 1-1
214 |