Network knowledge in international business, ed. Lundan, Sarianna M. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2002).
408 |
New Frontiers In The Economics Of Innovation And New Technology - Essays in Honour of Paul A. David, ed. Hall, Bronwyn and Steinmueller, W.E. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006).
514 |
Ontwikkelingslanden - Dynamiek en Stagnatie, ed. Szirmai, Adam (Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, 1994).
913 |
Pathways to Industrialization in the 21st Century, New Challenges and Emerging Paradigms, ed. Szirmai, Adam, Naudé, Wim and Alcorta, Ludovico (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
671 |
Percorsi Globali e Vantaggi Regionali: Scelte di Localizzazione e di Organizzazione dei Processi Innovativi, ed. Mariani, Myriam (Torino: Giappichelli Editore, 2001).
351 |
Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development, ed. Voss, Jan-Peter, Bauknecht, Dierk and Kemp, René (Cheltenham / Masschusetts: Edward Elgar, 2006).
793 |
Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in a Changing World: Responding to Policy Needs, ed. Arundel, Anthony, Colecchia, A. and Gault, Fred (Paris: OECD, 2007).
780 |
SMEs and New Technologies: Learning E-Business and Development, ed. Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and Lal, Kaushalesh (UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).
355 |
Spatial segregation and migrant economic success. Labour market and self-employment outcomes of migrants in the Netherlands', ed. Beckers, Pascal (Saarbruecken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011).
339 |
Sustainable Development and Innovation in the Energy Sector, ed. Ziesemer, Thomas (Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 2005).
681 |
Technical Change and Economic Theory, ed. Dosi, G., Freeman, Chris, Nelson, Richard R., Silverberg, Gerald and Soete, Luc (London: Pinter, 1988).
951 |
Technical Change and Full Employment, ed. Freeman, Chris and Soete, Luc (London, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1987).
260 |
Technological Change and Skill Development in Sudan, ed. Nour, Samia S. O. M. (Germany: Springer, 2013).
396 |
Technological Trends and Employment: Electronics and Communications, ed. Soete, Luc (Aldershot: Gower Publishing Ltd, 1985).
235 |
Technologie en Derde Wereld, ed. Soete, Luc (Ghent, Belgium: UVOS, 1975).
158 |
Technology and employment in the electronics industry, ed. Dosi, G. and Soete, Luc (London, UK: Francis Pinter, 1983).
193 |
Technology and the Future of European Employment, ed. Petit, P. and Soete, Luc (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2001).
448 |
The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda, ed. Arundel, Anthony and Sawaya, D. (Paris: OECD, 2009).
755 |
The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development. An Introduction, ed. Szirmai, Adam (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
1032 |
The Economics of Technological Change and international trade, ed. Dosi, G., Pavitt, Keith and Soete, Luc (New York, USA: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990).
567 |
The Economics of the Digital Society, ed. Soete, Luc and Weel, Bas ter (Maastricht, NL: Edward Elgar, 2005).
419 |
The Industrial Experience of Tanzania, ed. Szirmai, Adam and Lapperre, P. (Houndmills/Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001).
699 |
The New Political Economy of Southeast Asia, ed. Rasiah, Rajah (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010).
376 |
The New Wealth of Nations. Taxing Cyberspace, ed. Cordell, Arthur J., Ran Ide, T., Soete, Luc and Kamp, Karen (Toronto, Ontario: Between the Lines, 1997).
639 |
The Rise of Technological Power in the South, ed. Fu, Xiaolan and Soete, Luc (Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).
427 |
The Why and How of Open Education - With lessons from the openSE and openED Projects, ed. Meiszner, Andreas (Maastricht, NL: Collaborative Creativity Group, UNU-MERIT, 2011).
370 |
Understanding Innovation in Canadian Industry, ed. Gault, Fred (Montreal and Kingston: Queen’s University School of Policy Studies, McGill-Queen’s Press, 2003).
1287 |
Understanding Small-Island Developing States: Fragility and External Shocks, ed. Santos-Paulino, Amelia U., McGillivray, Mark and Naudé, Wim (London: Routledge, 2010).
452 |
Understanding the Dynamics of a Knowledge Economy, ed. Dolfsma, Wilfred and Soete, Luc (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006).
655 |
Unemployment and Technical Innovation: a study of long waves and economic development, ed. Freeman, Chris, Clark, J. and Soete, Luc (London, UK: Frances Pinter, 1982).
840 |
Uneven Paths Of Development - Innovation and Learning in Asia and Africa, ed. Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and Rasiah, Rajah (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008).
386 |
Uneven Paths to Development: Information Hardware Innovation Systems in Asia and Africa, ed. Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and Rasiah, Rajah (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009).
360 |
Uses and Abuses of Governance Indicators, ed. Arndt, Christiane and Oman, C. (Paris: OECD, 2006).
464 |
Work for All or Mass Unemployment, ed. Freeman, Chris and Soete, Luc (Athens: Ekdoseis Themelio, 2000).
393 |