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Borghans, Lex, Meijers, Huub and ter Weel, Bas (2013). The importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for measuring IQ. UNU-MERIT. 824  
Naudé, Wim and Szirmai, Adam (2012). The importance of manufacturing in economic development: Past, present and future perspectives. UNU-MERIT. 1358 2760
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2010). The incidence and transfer of knowledge in the Arab countries. UNU-MERIT. 455 99
Loschmann, Craig and Siegel, Melissa (2013). The influence of vulnerability on migration intentions in Afghanistan. UNU-MERIT. 797 450
Konté, Almamy and Ndong, Mariama (2012). The informal ICT sector and innovation processes in Senegal. UNU-MERIT. 454  
Urem, Branka, Alcorta, Ludovico and An, Tongliang (2008). The Innovativeness of Foreign Firms in China. UNU-MERIT. 535 235
Duysters, Geert, Lemmens, Charmianne, Letterie, Wilko and Vanhaverbeke, Wim (2008). The Innovative Performance of Alliance Block Members: Evidence from the Microelectronics Industry. UNU-MERIT. 765 165
Hall, Bronwyn (2011). The internationalization of R&D. UNU-MERIT. 663 527
Bilgili, Ozge (2013). The links between economic integration and remittances behaviour of migrants in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 425 188
Pereira de Carvalho, Flavia and Goldstein, Andrea (2008). The ‘making of’ national giants: technology and governments shaping the international expansion of oil companies from Brazil and China. UNU-MERIT. 493 420
van Dijk, Michiel and Szirmai, Adam (2007). The Micro-Dynamics of Catch Up in Indonesian Paper Manufacturing: An International Comparison of Plant-Level Performance. UNU-MERIT. 691 272
Rehm, Martin, Gijselaers, Wim and Segers, Mien (2012). The monkey on your back?! Hierarchical positions and their influence on participants' behaviour within communities of learning. UNU-MERIT. 479 57
Bodas Freitas, Isabel Maria and Verspagen, Bart (2009). The motivations, organisation and outcomes of university-industry interaction in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 696 305
Hall, Andy (2007). The origins and implications of using innovation systems perspectives in the design and implementation of agricultural research projects: Some personal observations. UNU-MERIT. 717 264
Bluhm, Richard, De Crombrugghe, Denis and Szirmai, Adam (2013). The pace of poverty reduction - A fractional response approach. UNU-MERIT. 834 344
Kuschminder, Katherine and Hercog, Metka (2011). The power of the strong state: A comparative analysis of the diaspora engagement strategies of India and Ethiopia. UNU-MERIT. 488 114
Lokshin, Boris, Belderbos, René and Carree, Martin (2007). The productivity effects of internal and external R&D: Evidence from a dynamic panel data model. UNU-MERIT. 749 1240
Narula, Rajneesh and Guimón, José (2010). The R&D activity of multinational enterprises in peripheral economies: evidence from the EU new member states. UNU-MERIT. 614 150
Azomahou, Théophile T., Diene, Bity and Soete, Luc (2009). The role of consumption and the financing of health investment under epidemic shocks. UNU-MERIT. 742  
Perrot, Radhika (2009). The Role of Firms in Energy Transformation. UNU-MERIT. 411  
Borghans, Lex, Meijers, Huub and ter Weel, Bas (2006). The Role of Noncognitive Skills in Explaining Cognitive Test Scores. UNU-MERIT. 809 1063
Hall, Bronwyn and Helmers, Christian (2010). The role of patent protection in (clean/green) technology transfer. UNU-MERIT. 621 440
Verspagen, Bart (2007). The Spatial Hierarchy of Technological Change and Economic Development in Europe. UNU-MERIT. 879 370
Cingolani, Luciana (2013). The State of State Capacity: a review of concepts, evidence and measures. UNU-MERIT. 3933 3313
Roediger-Schluga, Thomas and Barber, Michael J. (2006). The structure of R&D collaboration networks in the European Framework Programmes. UNU-MERIT. 518 162
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). The use and economic impacts of ICT at the macro-micro levels in the Arab Gulf countries. UNU-MERIT. 439 125
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). The Use and Economic Impacts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 417 212
Srholec, Martin and Verspagen, Bart (2008). The Voyage of the Beagle in Innovation Systems Land. Explorations on Sectors, Innovation, Heterogeneity and Selection. UNU-MERIT. 610  
Reddy, T.S. Vamsidhar, Hall, Andy and Sulaiman, Rasheed (2011). The when and where of research in agricultural innovation trajectories: Evidence and implications from RIU's South Asia projects. UNU-MERIT. 738 175
Marin, Anabel and Costa, Ionara (2009). Thinking locally: Exploring the importance of a subsidiary-centered model of FDI-related spillovers in Brazil. UNU-MERIT. 432  
van Zon, Adriaan and Schmidt, Tobias S. (2008). To Be or Not to Be at the BOP: A One-North-Many-Souths Model with Subsistence and Luxury Goods. UNU-MERIT. 779 145
Mirza, Bilal and Szirmai, Adam (2010). Towards a new measurement of energy poverty: A cross-community analysis of rural Pakistan. UNU-MERIT. 1220 442
Sadowski, Bert, Sadowski-Rasters, Gaby and Duysters, Geert (2007). Transition of Governance in a Mature Open Software Source Community: Evidence from the Debian Case. UNU-MERIT. 885 471
Habiyaremye, Alexis and Raymond, Wladimir (2013). Transnational corruption and innovation in transition economies. UNU-MERIT. 603 560
Stam, Erik and van Stel, André (2009). Types of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth. UNU-MERIT. 499 3137
Kuschminder, Katherine and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Understanding Ethiopian diaspora engagement policy. UNU-MERIT. 787 1990
Goedhuys, Micheline and Srholec, Martin (2010). Understanding multilevel interactions in economic development. UNU-MERIT. 735  
Bilgili, Ozge and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Understanding the changing role of the Turkish diaspora. UNU-MERIT. 773 632
Gault, Fred (2011). User innovation and the market. UNU-MERIT. 762  
Baltazar Zita, Júlia Eva and Hermíneo Lopes, Avelino (2011). User innovation in the business enterprise sector of Maputo Province in Mozambique. UNU-MERIT. 416 95
Narula, Rajneesh (2013). Using a 'Systems' Perspective to Explain the Limits of 'New' Multinational Enterprises: the role of 'members-only' location advantages. UNU-MERIT. 401 91
Mairesse, Jacques and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Using innovation surveys for econometric analysis. UNU-MERIT. 806 988
Mukherjee, Vivekananda and Ramani, Shyama V. (2011). Voluntary agreements and community development as CSR in innovation strategies. UNU-MERIT. 795 325
Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2008). Wage effects of R&D tax incentives: Evidence from the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 817 309
Ziesemer, Thomas (2011). What Changes Gini Coefficients of Education? On the dynamic interaction between education, its distribution and growth. UNU-MERIT. 785 179
Hall, Andy and Clark, Norman (2009). What Do Complex Adaptive Systems Look Like and What Are the Implications for Innovation Policy?. UNU-MERIT. 784 406
Mohnen, Pierre and Lokshin, Boris (2009). What does it take for an R&D tax incentive policy to be effective?. UNU-MERIT. 729 502
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre (2006). What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or institutions?. UNU-MERIT. 889 281
Narula, Rajneesh and Jormanainen, Irina (2008). When a good science base is not enough to create competitive industries: Lock-in and inertia in Russian systems of innovation. UNU-MERIT. 510 151
Schuering, Esther and Gassmann, Franziska (2012). Whom to target - an obvious choice?. UNU-MERIT. 761 219