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523 |
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67 |
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51 |
Delputte, Sarah and Söderbaum, Fredrik, "European Aid Coordination in Africa: Is the Commission Calling the Tune?" in The European Union and Global Development: An ‘Enlightened Superpower’ in the Making? (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 37-56.
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251 |
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429 |
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70 |
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252 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Schulz, Michael and Pietrangeli, Giulia, "EU Support to Latin American Regionalism" in The European Union and the Rise of Regionalism: Source of Inspiration and Active Promoter / L’Union Européenne et la Montée du Régionalisme: Exemplarité et Partenariats (Brussels: Academia, Bruylant, 2009).
303 |
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380 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Lizarazo Rodríguez, Liliana, "Fine-Tuning Export Promotion Policies in Colombia" in International Business, Not As Usual (Antwerp-Apeldoorn: Garant, 2011), 117-136.
303 |
54 |
Cuyvers, Ludo, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Verherstraeten, Stijn, "From AFTA Towards an ASEAN Economic Community... and Beyond" in The World Economy Today: Major Trends and Developments (Yerevan, Armenia: Alternative, 2012), 248-287.
729 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, "From a World of States to a World of Regions" in Nový regionalismus. Teorie a případová studie (Evropská unie) (Prague: C.H. Beck, 2007).
308 |
Ruyssen, Ilse and Salomone, Sara, "Gender Discrimination as a Driver of Female Migration" in Gender and Migration: A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Migration Dynamics ed. Timmerman, Christiane, Fonseca, Maria Lucinda, Van Praag, Lore and Pereira, Sonia (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2018), 149-172.
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76 |
Van Elsuwege, Peter and Bossuyt, Fabienne, "General Introduction: From Strategic Partner to Strategic Challenge: In Search of an EU Policy towards Russia" in Principled Pragmatism in Practice – The EU’s Policy towards Russia after Crimea ed. Bossuyt, Fabienne and Van Elsuwege, Peter (Leiden: Brill, 2021), 1-14.
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Adam, Ilke, "Gesloten grenzen: Een uitgelezen kans voor bezinning over een nieuw (EU)-migratiebeleid" in Post Viraal naar een Nieuw Normaal: VUB-stemmen over de impact van Corona op onze samenleving (Brussels: VUB University Press, 2020), 153-156.
68 |
Antoine, Anthony and Van Langenhove, Luk, "Global Challenges and Trends of University Governance Structures" in University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China ed. Zhu, Chang and Zayim-Kurtay, Merve (N/A: IGI Global, 2019), 233-245.
292 |
Antoine, Anthony and Van Langenhove, Luk, "Global Challenges and Trends of University Governance Structures" in University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China (United States: IGI Global, 2019), 233-245.
118 |
Qoraboyev, Ikboljon, "Global Governance" in Encyclopedia of Law and Development ed. de Moerloose, Stéphanie, Türkelli, Gamze E. and De Feyter, Koen (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2021), 99-103.
81 |
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252 |
Gavin, Brigid, "Globalisation and Governance. Citizens amidst what: the State, the EU, or the Global Village?" in About Globalisation. Views on the Trajectory of Mondialisation (Brussels: VUB University Press, 2004).
237 |
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515 |
Lapadre, Lelio and De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Globalization Indicators: Ways Forward" in Macroeconomics and Beyond ed. Erreygers, Guido and Vermeire, Mieke (Antwerp: Garant, 2012), 159-174.
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Saucedo Acosta, Edgar J. and Rullan, Samantha, "Gobernanza económica en tiempos de crisis financiera en la Unión Europea" in Nuevos paradigmas de gestión y organización desde la perspectiva latinoamericana ed. Saldaña, Alejandro and Ricardez, Jerónimo (Xalapa: Códice, 2013), 295-308.
517 |
252 |
Nagabhatla, Nidhi and De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Governance: A ‘Whole-of-Society’ Approach" in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023 - Partnerships and Cooperation for Water (France: UNESCO, 2023), 173-182.
113 |
Nagabhatla, Nidhi, "Health" in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023 - Partnerships and Cooperation for Water (France: UNESCO, 2023), 87-102.
64 |
Rodríguez, Liliana Lizarazo, Chen, Lurong and De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Health-Related IPR Provisions in FTAs in the Atlantic Community" in A New Atlantic Community: The European Union, the US and Latin America (Miami: University of Miami, 2015).
257 |
Kingah, Stephen, Smis, Stefaan and Söderbaum, Fredrik, "How Countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) can use the World Trade Organisation and the European Community flexibilities for better access to affordable HIV/AIDS Medicines" in Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2008 (Stellenbosch, South Africa: Tralac, 2008).
266 |
Bekaert, Els, Ruyssen, Ilse and Salomone, Sara, "Human Migration in the Face of Environmental Change: A Global Empirical Approach" in Regional Integration and Migration Governance in the Global South ed. Rayp, Glenn, Ruyssen, Ilse and Marchand, Katrin (Cham: Springer Nature, 2020), 51-84.
60 |
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80 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Indicator-based Monitoring of the Eurasian Integration Process: Preliminary Remarks" in EDB Yearbook of Eurasian Economic Integration (Almaty, Kazakhstan: Eurasian Development Bank, 2009).
253 |
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270 |
Oberthür, Sebastian and Van de Graaf, Thijs, "Institutional Interactions" in Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance (second edition) (London: Routledge, 2020), 132-135.
70 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Integración asimétrica" in Integración asimétrica y convergencia económica en las Américas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2002).
235 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Carillo, Giovanna and Reyees, Ana Maria, "Integración monetaria gradual en la CAN y teoría de las áreas monetarias óptimas" in Integración asimétrica y convergencia económica en las Américas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2002).
236 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Franco, Andrés, "Integración regional, inversión extranjera directa, localización industrial y convergencia" in Integración asimétrica y convergencia económica en las Américas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2002).
224 |
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100 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, "Integration Speak: Introducing Positioning Theory in Regional Integration Studies" in The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal, Political, and Cultural Contexts ed. Harré, Rom and Moghaddam, Fathali (Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2003), n/a-n/a.
319 |
Orbie, Jan, "International Development: A Distinct and Challenged Policy Domain" in Policy-making in the European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 413-439.
47 |
Baert, Francis, "Internationale Telecommunicatie Unie (ITU)" in De Gespecialiseerde Organisaties van de Verenigde Naties (Leuven: ACCO, 2011).
281 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Iapadre, Lelio, "International Integration and Societal Progress: A Critical Review of Globalisation Indicators" in OECD, Statistics, Knowledge and Policy 2007: Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2008).
257 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Söderbaum, Fredrik and Wunderlich, Jens-Uwe, "Interregionalism" in The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy (London: SAGE, 2015).
240 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, "Introduction" in Multilateralism, Regionalism and Bilateralism in Trade and Investment. 2006 World Report on Regional Integration (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007).
220 |
Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea and Doukas, Yannis E., "Introduction" in Climate Change in Regional Perspective (Cham: Springer Cham, 2024), 1-6.
80 |
De Groof, Emmanuel and Wiebusch, Micha, "Introduction" in International Law and Transitional Governance - Critical Perspectives ed. De Groof, Emmanuel and Wiebusch, Micha (London: Routledge, 2020), 1-5.
54 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Briceño-Ruiz, José, "Introduction" in The Political Economy of New Regionalisms in the Pacific Rim ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Briceño-Ruiz, José (London: Routledge, 2019), 1-8.
61 |
Baert, Francis and Scaramagli, Tiziana, "Introduction" in Intersecting Interregionalism (Dordrecht: Springer, 2014).
262 |