Automated GIS-based decision tool for rehabilitation of a drinking water infrastructure in Tlemcen, Algeria.

Berrezel, Yacine A., Abdelbaki, Chérifa, Rouissat, Bouchrit, Boumaaza, Tarik, Saber, Mohamed, Goosen, Matheus and Kumar, Navneet, (2024). Automated GIS-based decision tool for rehabilitation of a drinking water infrastructure in Tlemcen, Algeria.. Applied Water Science, 14(124), n/a-n/a

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Berrezel, Yacine A.
    Abdelbaki, Chérifa
    Rouissat, Bouchrit
    Boumaaza, Tarik
    Saber, Mohamed
    Goosen, Matheus
    Kumar, Navneet
    Title Automated GIS-based decision tool for rehabilitation of a drinking water infrastructure in Tlemcen, Algeria.
    Appearing in Applied Water Science
    Volume 14
    Issue No. 124
    Publication Date 2024-05-11
    Place of Publication Heidelberg
    Publisher Springer Nature
    Start page n/a
    End page n/a
    Language eng
    Abstract Water resource management relies heavily on the utilization of decision-making systems to guide the strategic rehabilitation and renovation of infrastructure within water distribution networks (WDNs). This study aims to develop and apply a scripting tool in ArcGIS for decision-making in WDN. It combines a collection of decision support systems, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and multi-criteria analysis, for infrastructure renovation and rehabilitation. The research is divided into two main sections. The first focuses on creating and implementing the analytic hierarchy process tool in ArcGIS, while the second discusses its application in the study area, which is the drinking water distribution network of an urban area in Tlemcen, located in the Northwest of Algeria. The study’s results reveal that 25% of the network is in critical condition and require immediate rehabilitation. Sixty-two percentage of the network is classified as moderately urgent, indicating a pressing but less immediate need for intervention. Finally, the remaining 13% of the network requires attention over a longer timeframe for rehabilitation. The main criteria influencing pipe prioritization are material (26% of total weight), laying date (26% of total weight), and pressure (20% of total weight). This developed tool can be easily adapted and applied by engineers and water management officers. It serves as a guide for decision-makers and planners in urban water management in Tlemcen and can be replicated and applied to other areas worldwide.
    Keyword Python
    Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
    Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
    Water distribution network (WDN)
    Drinking water management
    Copyright Holder Springer Nature
    Copyright Year 2024
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.1007/s13201-024-02190-7
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