A worldwide overview on the information security posture of online public services: Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Silva, João Marco, Diogo Ribeiro, Ramos, Luís Felipe and Fonte, Vítor ed. A worldwide overview on the information security posture of online public services: Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024/01/03-06 Waikiki. Hawaii: University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2024.

Document type:
Conference Proceeding

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  • Sub-type Conference proceedings
    Author Silva, João Marco
    Diogo Ribeiro
    Ramos, Luís Felipe
    Fonte, Vítor
    Title of Event A worldwide overview on the information security posture of online public services: Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
    Date of Event 2024/01/03-06
    Place of Event Waikiki
    Organizer University of Hawaii at Manoa, Shidler College of Business
    Publication Date 2024
    Place of Publication Hawaii
    Publisher University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Pages X, 10
    Language eng
    Abstract The availability of public services through online platforms has improved the coverage and efficiency of essential services provided to citizens worldwide. These services also promote transparency and foster citizen participation in government processes. However, the increased online presence also exposes sensitive data exchanged between citizens and service providers to a wider range of security threats. Therefore, ensuring the security and trustworthiness of online services is crucial to Electronic Government (EGOV) initiatives’ success. Hence, this work assesses the security posture of online platforms hosted in 3068 governmental domain names, across all UN Member States, in three dimensions: support for secure communication protocols; the trustworthiness of their digital certificate chains; and services’ exposure to known vulnerabilities. The results indicate that despite its rapid development, the public sector still falls short in adopting international standards and best security practices in services and infrastructure management. This reality poses significant risks to citizens and services across all regions and income levels.
    Keyword EGOV
    Information Security
    Digital Certificates
    Copyright Holder University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Copyright Year 2024
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9780998133171
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    Access Statistics: 26 Abstract Views, 11 File Downloads  -  Detailed Statistics
    Created: Tue, 10 Sep 2024, 00:25:06 JST by Diogo Ruao on behalf of UNU EGOV