What does the Service System Know about the Community it Serves? A Grey Literature Review of Children, Young People, and Families Experiencing Place-based Disadvantage

Stuart, Jaimee, Krahe, Michelle A. and Gibson, Mandy, (2023). What does the Service System Know about the Community it Serves? A Grey Literature Review of Children, Young People, and Families Experiencing Place-based Disadvantage. Urban Policy and Research, 24(1), n/a-n/a

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Stuart, Jaimee
    Krahe, Michelle A.
    Gibson, Mandy
    Title What does the Service System Know about the Community it Serves? A Grey Literature Review of Children, Young People, and Families Experiencing Place-based Disadvantage
    Appearing in Urban Policy and Research
    Volume 24
    Issue No. 1
    Publication Date 2023-12
    Place of Publication Online
    Publisher Taylor & Francis
    Start page n/a
    End page n/a
    Language eng
    Abstract Place of residence significantly influences health, well-being, and quality of life. This study reviewed the grey literature using evidence mapping and thematic analyses to identify, describe, and synthesise service system knowledge concerning children and families experiencing place-based disadvantage. Twenty-four documents were reviewed and four key themes identified (1) infrastructure and safety; (2) access and navigation of services; (3) gaps in the support system and (4) the user experience. Our findings highlight target areas to improve the outcomes of children and families in the context of spatial deprivation, and notes a need for better coordination and management of service system knowledge.
    Copyright Holder Taylor & Francis
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    DOI 10.1080/08111146.2023.2286973
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    Created: Fri, 30 Aug 2024, 18:38:08 JST by Qian Dai on behalf of UNU CS