A socio-ecological perspective on psychological well-being in a culturally diverse context: The role of perceived national multicultural norms
Ward, Colleen, Stuart, Jaimee and Karl, Johannes A., (2023). A socio-ecological perspective on psychological well-being in a culturally diverse context: The role of perceived national multicultural norms. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 96 n/a-n/a
Document type:
Sub-type Journal article Author Ward, Colleen
Stuart, Jaimee
Karl, Johannes A.Title A socio-ecological perspective on psychological well-being in a culturally diverse context: The role of perceived national multicultural norms Appearing in International Journal of Intercultural Relations Volume 96 Publication Date 2023-09 Place of Publication Online Publisher Elsevier Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract The research examined perceived national norms for multiculturalism, Multicultural Contact (MC), Multicultural Ideology (MI) and Multicultural Policies and Practices (MPP), as associated with well-being in a community sample. One hundred and twenty-five British Indians and 250 British Whites completed an online survey with measures of Normative Multiculturalism, belonging, and psychological well-being (positive affect, flourishing, and life satisfaction). A multi-group mediational model was tested with direct and indirect (via belonging) paths to well-being. Results demonstrated significant direct and indirect associations of MC on well-being for Indians and indirect associations for Whites. MPP produced the same indirect pathways, but only for Indians. MI was not significantly related either to belonging or well-being. The findings are discussed in relation to broader theorizing on multiculturalism and their practical implications in the British socio-political context. Copyright Holder The Author(s) Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type All rights reserved DOI 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101870 -
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