Mapping the service system that supports children and families in the context of place-based-disadvantage: Potential leverage points for intervention

Stuart, Jaimee, Krahe, Michelle A., Branch, Sara and Gibson, Mandy, (2023). Mapping the service system that supports children and families in the context of place-based-disadvantage: Potential leverage points for intervention. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 5 n/a-n/a

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Stuart, Jaimee
    Krahe, Michelle A.
    Branch, Sara
    Gibson, Mandy
    Title Mapping the service system that supports children and families in the context of place-based-disadvantage: Potential leverage points for intervention
    Appearing in Wellbeing, Space and Society
    Volume 5
    Publication Date 2023-12
    Place of Publication Online
    Publisher Elsevier
    Start page n/a
    End page n/a
    Language eng
    Abstract There is strong evidence to suggest that children are negatively impacted by growing up in places where there are high levels of disadvantage present. However, these children can reap substantial developmental benefits (even more so than those who do not experience disadvantage) from access to and engagement with community and social services supporting health, education, and wellbeing. Yet, due to the complexity of service provision, access, and outcomes for children and families living in disadvantaged places, the service system in these contexts often is found to be ineffective in meeting the needs of the community. This study utilises a participatory approach, engaging service providers working with children and families in a disadvantaged place to identify key leverage points that have the potential to promote systems reform. Using participatory systems mapping, the findings illustrate aspirations (or the ideal state) of the service system that are characterised by early intervention, high levels of service coverage, and interconnected services, all of which enable wellbeing for children and families. User orientated and service orientated factors that act as barriers or enablers are also identified and key levers of service reform are discussed, particularly increasing accessibility of services and reducing vulnerability of service users.
    Copyright Holder The Author(s)
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.1016/j.wss.2023.100165
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