Creating a Dialogue of Civilisations: Questions of Method

Van Langenhove, Luk, "Creating a Dialogue of Civilisations: Questions of Method" in Civilisations, States and World Order: Where are We, Where are We Heading ed. Higgott, Richard (Berlin: DOC Research Centre, 2019), 106-111.

Document type:
Book Chapter

  • Author Van Langenhove, Luk
    Book Editor Higgott, Richard
    Chapter Title Creating a Dialogue of Civilisations: Questions of Method
    Book Title Civilisations, States and World Order: Where are We, Where are We Heading
    Publication Date 2019
    Place of Publication Berlin
    Publisher DOC Research Centre
    Start page 106
    End page 111
    Language eng
    Abstract This report evaluates the current state of world (dis)order in a time of growing populism and nationalism. 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which was meant to signal the ‘end of history’ and cement the liberal order, we must look again at where we have come from and try to suggest where we are going. The world is in transition from a US-led, partially liberal global order to one in which new and hybrid actors of both state and non-state varieties play a role in a manner distinct from the processes that have dominated since the end of World War Two.
    Copyright Holder The Editor
    Copyright Year 2019
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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