Governing in the digital age: The emergence of dynamic smart urban governance modes
Przeybilovicz, Erico and Cunha, Maria Alexandra, (2024). Governing in the digital age: The emergence of dynamic smart urban governance modes. Government Information Quarterly, n/a-n/a
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Sub-type Journal article Author Przeybilovicz, Erico
Cunha, Maria AlexandraTitle Governing in the digital age: The emergence of dynamic smart urban governance modes Appearing in Government Information Quarterly Publication Date 2024-01 Place of Publication Amesterdam Publisher Elsevier Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract There is growing concern that implementing effective governance is a significant element in making cities ‘smart’, due to the multidisciplinarity, complexity of urban challenges, and multi-stakeholder involvement. Smart city initiatives are assumed to generate new governance modes through the interplay of technological artefacts and political and social factors, viewed through a sociotechnical perspective. We also argue that traditional urban governance modes help explain the emerging modes and the nature of citizen-government interactions. Thus, we used a combination of the sociotechnical view and the modes of urban governance as a theoretical approach to understand the dynamics of emerging governance modes in smart city initiatives. We studied two cases using a longitudinal qualitative case study and temporal bracketing analysis for an in-depth understanding. Our findings showed that the configuration of the elements, governance mode, information and communication technology (ICT), and types of citizen-government interaction vary from one initiative to another and change over time, across multiple sociotechnical networks in practice, leading to emerging new governance modes. We highlight that a new understanding of smart urban governance for sustainable development in the digital age needs to be developed as a dynamic process. Moreover, we identified two emerging governance modes and proposed a dynamic approach to investigate smart urban governance in other contexts. Keyword Smart city
Urban governance
Sociotechnical networks
Smart urban governance
DynamicCopyright Holder Elsevier Copyright Year 2024 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1016/j.giq.2023.101907 -
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