Using Landscape Approaches in National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Planning

United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Using Landscape Approaches in National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Planning, (Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, 2023).

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  • Author United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability
    Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
    Title Using Landscape Approaches in National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Planning
    Publication Date 2023
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability
    Pages 40
    Language eng
    Abstract This publication explores the transformative potential of landscape approaches in biodiversity conservation, advocating for holistic strategies that reconcile diverse landscape and seascape uses. Emphasizing direct and indirect applications, it highlights the pivotal role of national governments, subnational authorities, indigenous communities, and private landowners. By fostering collaboration and establishing shared visions, stakeholders can create sustainable management plans, outlined within National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). The publication delves into the integration of landscape approaches into national conservation targets, as exemplified by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. It underscores the importance of proactive engagement, emphasizing meticulous monitoring and documentation of successes and failures, shared through national reports. Furthermore, the publication explores cross-sector plans and sector-specific strategies as effective channels for integrating landscape approaches, aligning conservation with diverse land and sea use activities. In essence, this guide champions a unified, adaptable, and inclusive approach, offering a roadmap towards harmonizing human activities with the preservation of biodiversity.
    Keyword Biodiversity conservation
    Landscape management
    National biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs)
    Policy planning
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type Creative commons
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    Created: Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 11:18:10 JST by Anne Lecroq on behalf of UNU IAS