How do patient characteristics influence informal payments for inpatient and outpatient Healthcare in Albania

Tomini, Sonila and Maarse, Hans (2009). How do patient characteristics influence informal payments for inpatient and outpatient Healthcare in Albania. n/a.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Tomini, Sonila
    Maarse, Hans
    Title How do patient characteristics influence informal payments for inpatient and outpatient Healthcare in Albania
    Publication Date 2009
    Place of Publication Maastricht, NL
    Publisher n/a
    Pages 20
    Abstract Informal payments for health care are common in most former communist countries. Causes of such payments are mostly related to the former ���Shemasko�۪ systems and inefficiencies in provision of health care. This paper explores the demand side aspects of informal payments in a transition country like Albania. By using data from Living Standard Measurement Survey 2005 we control for individual characteristics determinants of informal payments in inpatient and outpatient health care. Using multivariate methods (OLS and probit) we test three main hypotheses explaining informal payments in the country; cultural, economic and governance. We find clear evidence suggesting that there are differences between determinants of informal payments in inpatient and outpatient care. Generally our results show that informal payments are dependent on certain characteristics of patients, including age, education and health status. However, they are not dependent on level of incomes, suggesting for homogeneity of payments across income categories. Results support governance and economic hypotheses compared to the cultural one.
    Copyright Holder n/a
    Copyright Year 2009
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