Groundwater Monitoring through Citizen Science: A Review of Project Designs and Results

Nath, Shuvojit and Kirschke, Sabrina, (2023). Groundwater Monitoring through Citizen Science: A Review of Project Designs and Results. Groundwater, 61(4), 453-605

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Nath, Shuvojit
    Kirschke, Sabrina
    Title Groundwater Monitoring through Citizen Science: A Review of Project Designs and Results
    Appearing in Groundwater
    Volume 61
    Issue No. 4
    Publication Date 2023-02-14
    Place of Publication Ohio, USA
    Publisher NGWA
    Start page 453
    End page 605
    Language eng
    Abstract "Citizen science is increasingly prominent in the field of freshwater monitoring. Although there is a large body of literature related to surface water monitoring, less experience exists regarding citizen-based monitoring of groundwater resources. This calls for a better understanding of the actual experiences of citizen science in the field of groundwater monitoring, including specific project designs and results. Based on a systematic review of 33 citizen-based groundwater monitoring activities, we analyze (1) the design of citizen science projects, including their general project characteristics, institutional characteristics, citizen characteristics, and forms of interactions, as well as (2) their results, including their data outputs, outcomes on citizens, and impacts on problem-solving. Results show that projects mainly have positive results on data quantity and quality and partly influence the citizens themselves and their contributions to groundwater-related problem-solving. Information on project design characteristics is scarce and mostly hints at the relevance of specific process mechanisms such as training and feedback. Based on these results, we suggest groundwater-related projects to consider involving citizen scientists in monitoring activities in order to benefit research and citizens alike. Such involvement needs, however, careful design including relevant training to unfold its full potential for both sides. Researchers are advised here to rigorously report on both design and results to further improve citizen science practice in the future."
    Keyword Wastewater
    reverse osmosis
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 0017-467X
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    Created: Sat, 30 Sep 2023, 03:36:50 JST by Věra Greschner Farkavcová on behalf of UNU FLORES