Barriers to plastic monitoring in freshwaters in the Global South

Kirschke, Sabrina, van Emmerik, Tim H.M., Nath, Shuvojit, Schmidt, Christian and Wendt-Potthoff, Katrin, (2023). Barriers to plastic monitoring in freshwaters in the Global South. Environmental Science & Policy, 146 162-170

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Kirschke, Sabrina
    van Emmerik, Tim H.M.
    Nath, Shuvojit
    Schmidt, Christian
    Wendt-Potthoff, Katrin
    Title Barriers to plastic monitoring in freshwaters in the Global South
    Appearing in Environmental Science & Policy
    Volume 146
    Publication Date 2023-08
    Place of Publication Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Publisher Elsevier
    Start page 162
    End page 170
    Language eng
    Abstract Plastics in freshwaters are a major problem for socio-ecological systems, calling upon smart policies for its solution. At the same time, there is a lack of relevant monitoring data on plastics in freshwaters to design such policies, specifically in the so-called Global South. This study, therefore, aims to analyze the complex barriers to mo-nitoring plastics in freshwaters in example cases of the Global South, as a starting point for more tailored monitoring, and targeted policies to reduce plastics in the environment. Based on a survey amongst 45 stakeholders in Ghana and Cambodia, we systematically analyze general barriers as well as specific technical, human, financial, and knowledge barriers identified through literature analysis and based on eight expert interviews. Results show that barriers to plastic monitoring are in general rather high, with survey respondents indicating rather high challenges with regard to the indicated barriers in both cases. Further, only slight variations between cases exist, with some barriers being slightly higher in Ghana than in Cambodia. Based on these results we call for both specific capacity development activities and less capacity-intense monitoring goals such as macro plastic monitoring to identify hotspots for policy interventions.
    Keyword Barrier analysis
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 1462-9011
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    Created: Wed, 20 Sep 2023, 06:17:07 JST by Věra Greschner Farkavcová on behalf of UNU FLORES