A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies on Vaccination

Duman, Hasret and Yildiz, Mete, (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies on Vaccination. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 41(1), 62-84

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Duman, Hasret
    Yildiz, Mete
    Title A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies on Vaccination
    Appearing in Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences
    Volume 41
    Issue No. 1
    Publication Date 2023
    Place of Publication Ankara
    Publisher Hacettepe University
    Start page 62
    End page 84
    Language tur
    Abstract Disasters such as pandemic of infectious diseases, which cause emergencies in terms of public health, can cause both the death of millions of people and the deterioration of the balance of social, political and economic systems. The most recent example of this situation is the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, the study examined the design and implementation stages of mass vaccine policies developed to control various pandemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine preventable diseases as an example of public policy implementation. In this direction, secondary data were collected from the relevant field, especially on the factors that make vaccination policies unsuccessful, and in the light of these data, some suggestions that are thought to contribute to the more effective implementation of future vaccination policies are presented. These recommendations: 1- Giving more importance to vaccination campaigns, 2- Developing and accelerating decision-making processes, 3- Keeping transparency at the foreground, 4- Creating balanced vaccination policies, 5- Allocating sufficient budgets for new technologies, 6- Increasing inspections in vaccination practices, 7- Gaining the trust of the public, 8- Collaborating with health workers and other stakeholders, 9- Organizing special trainings for parents and caregivers, 10- Fighting the lack of information, 11- Correct and effective use of mass media.
    Keyword public policy analysis
    comparative public policy
    vaccination policy
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
    ISSN 13018752
    DOI 10.17065/huniibf.1099139
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