TUC City Profile: Naucalpan, Mexico
Guerra, Flávia, Romero Magallán, Marisol, Adame, Acoyani, Zubicaray, Gorka, Roll, Michael and Turmena, Lucas (2022). TUC City Profile: Naucalpan, Mexico. Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles. UNU-EHS.
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Author Guerra, Flávia
Romero Magallán, Marisol
Adame, Acoyani
Zubicaray, Gorka
Roll, Michael
Turmena, LucasTitle TUC City Profile: Naucalpan, Mexico Series Title Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles Volume/Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2022-11 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU-EHS Pages 20 Language eng Abstract Naucalpan shares critical sustainability challenges with Mexico City due to geographic proximity, notably those related to transport. Furthermore, deindustrialization, lack of integrated urban planning and climate change exacerbate everyday problems in the municipality, including air and water pollution, poor waste management, inequality and poverty. Better understanding the links between these issues could inspire transformative climate action at the local level. A strategic long-term vision for a more sustainable Naucalpan could build upon existing multilevel collaboration agreements and transnational partnerships. Vertical and horizontal integration and formalization of climate change mitigation and adaptation programs and projects could help the municipality to bridge fragmented climate agendas, sectoral development projects and short-term administrations. Naucalpan residents are increasingly recognizing socio-environmental challenges and conflicts at the local level, as well as the shortcomings of the institutionalized channels for citizen participation. As a result, different informal spaces for citizens to voice their opinions regarding government decisions and projects are emerging in the municipality. Addressing significant gaps in municipal data, knowledge and capacity regarding climate change is critical to accelerate a transformation towards sustainability in Naucalpan. Furthermore, existing community-led initiatives could be leveraged to anchor climate action and ensure buy-in from different actors. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.53324/EXZO5502 -
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