From Reimagination to Action: Incentivizing Change
Passarelli, David and Day, Adam (2022). From Reimagination to Action: Incentivizing Change. Reimagining the Human-Environment Relationship. UN University and UN Environment Programme.
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Sub-type Discussion paper Author Passarelli, David
Day, AdamTitle From Reimagination to Action: Incentivizing Change Series Title Reimagining the Human-Environment Relationship Publication Date 2022-05-25 Place of Publication New York and Geneva Publisher UN University and UN Environment Programme Pages 18 Language eng Abstract Building on the perspectives of the authors in this collection, we address the question of how to generate political will at the global and local levels, how to catalyse the kind of shift that could eventually reverse climate change trends and move us towards a state of equilibrium with the planet. To do this, we argue, we must re-evaluate what kinds of processes and approaches tend to generate behavioural changes among individuals, communities, and our increasingly networked global society. Specifically, we examine the current framework of penalties and restrictions that dominates today’s climate response, asking whether a system of rewards might generate a more effective, globally scaled response. Drawing from advances in behavioural science, we argue that the Stockholm+50 conference and its follow-up should help to develop a “choice architecture” that offers clear rewards and incentives in three areas: (1) unlocking data monopolies around climate science; (2) strengthening accountability via networked forms of governance; and (3) building momentum against climate apathy. Such an architecture stands a much better chance of triggering the kind of radical changes in global behaviour and decision-making proposed by the other authors in this project. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE
CLIMATEKeyword Stockholm+50
Stockholm Convention
Climate Action
United Nations
Paris Agreement
Data monopolies
Marginalized groups
Global responsesCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons -
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