Gender Equality for Health and Well-being: Evaluative Evidence of Interlinkages with other SDGs

UNU-IIGH and UN Women (2022). Gender Equality for Health and Well-being: Evaluative Evidence of Interlinkages with other SDGs. United Nation University (UNU IIGH) and United Nations Women.

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  • Sub-type Research report
    Author UNU-IIGH
    UN Women
    Title Gender Equality for Health and Well-being: Evaluative Evidence of Interlinkages with other SDGs
    Publication Date 2022-05-10
    Place of Publication Kuala Lumpur
    Publisher United Nation University (UNU IIGH) and United Nations Women
    Pages 71
    Language eng
    Abstract The overall evidence in this report is strong in supporting gender mainstreaming interventions to achieve gender equality and to improve health and well-being and other goals. However, some goals were not considered with gender, despite their relevance for health (e.g., SDG 7) and we did not identify any negative interactions between gender equality and health and well-being and other SDGs
    UNBIS Thesaurus EQUALITY
    Keyword Well-being
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2022
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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    Created: Tue, 17 May 2022, 12:11:15 JST by Radhika Das on behalf of UNU IIGH