International Rankings in E-GOV Strategy Formulation: Appraisal of Their Use and Relevance
Araujo, Wagner, Soares, Delfina and Carvalho, João Álvaro, "International Rankings in E-GOV Strategy Formulation: Appraisal of Their Use and Relevance" EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021, Granada, 2021/09/07-09.
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Conference Publication
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Sub-type Conference paper Author Araujo, Wagner
Soares, Delfina
Carvalho, João ÁlvaroTitle International Rankings in E-GOV Strategy Formulation: Appraisal of Their Use and Relevance Event Series IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePart Conference Publication Date 2021 Place of Publication Online Publisher IFIP Pages 163-175 Title of Event EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021 Date of Event 2021/09/07-09 Place of Event Granada Language eng Abstract Many countries use international rankings in the formulation of electronic government and electronic governance (E-GOV) strategies. This practice seems to require some systematization, considering the limitations of these indexes as recognized by the Institutions that produce them and by the literature. Based on the scanning of national strategies and interviews with public officials, this exploratory study resulted in a proposal of an E-GOV strategy formulation framework taking into account international rankings. Despite the existence of certain constraints and dependence of stakeholders, the investigation revealed that rankings are relevant in this scenario and impact strategy formulation. The study concludes that this framework would be useful and should be flexible, instructive, easy to use, comprehensive, co-participative, and effective. A research agenda for its development finalizes the article, arguing that it can be an opportunity to improve E-GOV strategy formulation processes and the knowledge in the field. UNBIS Thesaurus E-GOVERNMENT Keyword e-governance
EGOV strategyCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons -
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