UNU Policy Brief Number 8, 2010: Maximizing the Impact of UN Security Council Resolution 1325: 10 Years On

Zuber, Robert, Turner, Nicholas and Ayo, Cristina (2010). UNU Policy Brief Number 8, 2010: Maximizing the Impact of UN Security Council Resolution 1325: 10 Years On. Policy Briefs. United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace.

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Zuber, Robert
    Turner, Nicholas
    Ayo, Cristina
    Title UNU Policy Brief Number 8, 2010: Maximizing the Impact of UN Security Council Resolution 1325: 10 Years On
    Series Title Policy Briefs
    Publication Date 2010
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace
    Pages 7
    Language eng
    Abstract Over the past decade the critical importance of women’s participation in peace processes and policies has been recognized through numerous international institutions, resolutions and state commitments—including UN Security Council resolution 1325 (SCR 1325), adopted in October 2000. A limited number of states have adopted SCR 1325 action plans, and a set of global indicators to track implementation was finally approved by the Security Council on 26 October 2010. Despite the promise of SCR 1325, many experts and advocates have been disappointed with the progress made by states and by the UN system. This brief assesses the 10 years since the adoption of SCR 1325, identifying lessons learned and emerging best practices, as well as shortcomings. It suggests what can be done to energize and advance the implementation of SCR 1325 in the near future, and recommends ways in which new actors can contribute to this process, including the newly-established UN Women.
    Keyword SCR 1325
    Women's participation
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2010
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 18148026
    ISBN 9789280830910
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    Created: Wed, 13 Apr 2022, 16:59:20 JST by Eric Tran on behalf of UNU Centre