Cities and the environment: New approaches for eco-societies
Cities and the environment: New approaches for eco-societies, ed. Inoguchi, Takashi, Newman, Edward and Paoletto, Glen (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1999).
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Editor Inoguchi, Takashi
Newman, Edward
Paoletto, GlenTitle Cities and the environment: New approaches for eco-societies Publication Date 1999 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Press Pages XXIII, 337 Language eng Abstract Cities focus human creativity, culture, and industry, and offer welfare and livelihood opportunities for billions of people worldwide. If demographic projections are borne out, cities will also be a focus of a global population explosion – particularly in developing countries – that will increasingly reflect common lifestyle experiences for humankind. While these experiences are often positive, burgeoning urban communities will face critical challenges in coming decades. Environmental problems are particularly threatening: cities are a burden upon natural resources and pollute the air and water; development destroys the natural environment surrounding cities; and cities present enormous demands for housing, transportation, water management, and sewerage systems that in many cases are not met. Urban environmental challenges threaten the lives of millions, and as urban populations increase, these difficulties will escalate. The goal of eco-societies is thus to manage or reverse these problems and make cities safe places in which to work, live, and nurture future generations. This goal rests upon the harmonious coexistence of humankind and the environment in which human activities are geared towards sustainability. It also relies upon sensitive political solutions. This volume identifies and conceptualizes the ideal of urban eco-societies, embracing their technological, political, and sociological dimensions and focusing on broad but practical lifestyle changes. It outlines the innovative approaches used in partnerships among disparate actors and the widening process of cooperation on these issues that transcends national boundaries. Keyword cities
urban environmental challengesCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 1999 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9280810235
9789280810233 -
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