World NGO Conference
Knight, Andy, Martha Schweitz, Kaoru Kurusu, John McLaughlin and Tatsuro Kunugi (1996). World NGO Conference. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Discussion paper Author Knight, Andy
Martha Schweitz
Kaoru Kurusu
John McLaughlin
Tatsuro KunugiTitle World NGO Conference Publication Date 1996-09-22 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 27 Language eng Abstract The United Nations University, with the co-sponsorship of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and several international NGOs, hosted the first preparatory meeting of the planned World NGO Conference on 23 September 1996, and an international symposium on 24 September, to discuss the NGOs’ role in an emergent global civil society and new relationships between NGOs and the UN agencies. Some 40 participants from around the world, including NGO leaders, eminent scholars, high-ranking UN officials and senior representatives of international organizations took part in the meeting and the symposium. On the first day, there was a half-day of free discussion, preparing for a planned World NGO Conference in Tokyo in 1998. On the second day, there was a full-day symposium on "The United Nations and Civil Society." Panelists exchanged views on: the changing role of NGOs and civil society organizations working with the UN; experiences in sectoral, regional and global approaches; and visions and actions for the 21st century in the UN/NGO relationships. UNBIS Thesaurus NON-GOVERNMENTAL AID
NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONSCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 1996 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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