Climate Migration Is about People, Not Numbers

Durand-Delacre, D., Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Sterly, H., Gioli, G., Hut, E., Boas, Ingrid, Farbotko, C., Sakdapolrak, P., de Bruijn, M., Tripathy Furlong, B., van der Geest, K., Lietaer, S. and Hulme, M., "Climate Migration Is about People, Not Numbers" in Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis ed. Boehm, Steffen and Sullivan, Sian (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2021), 68-81.

Document type:
Book Chapter

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  • Author Durand-Delacre, D.
    Bettini, G.
    Nash, S. L.
    Sterly, H.
    Gioli, G.
    Hut, E.
    Boas, Ingrid
    Farbotko, C.
    Sakdapolrak, P.
    de Bruijn, M.
    Tripathy Furlong, B.
    van der Geest, K.
    Lietaer, S.
    Hulme, M.
    Book Editor Boehm, Steffen
    Sullivan, Sian
    Chapter Title Climate Migration Is about People, Not Numbers
    Book Title Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis
    Publication Date 2021
    Place of Publication Cambridge
    Publisher Open Book Publishers
    Start page 68
    End page 81
    Language eng
    Abstract It has become increasingly common to argue that climate change will lead to mass migrations. In this chapter, we examine the large numbers often invoked to underline alarming climate migration narratives. We outline the methodological limitations to their production. We argue for a greater diversity of knowledges about climate migration, rooted in qualitative and mixed methods. We also question the usefulness of numbers to progressive agendas for climate action. Large numbers are used for rhetorical effect to create fear of climate migration, but this approach backfires when they are used to justify security-oriented, anti-migrant agendas. In addition, quantification helps present migration as a management problem with decisions based on meeting quantitative targets, instead of prioritising peoples’ needs, rights, and freedoms.
    Keyword Climate change
    Human mobility
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2021
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9781800642621
    DOI 10.11647/OBP.0265.06
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