14th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021: Natural Hazards in a Changing World
Pedoth, Lydia, Elzbieta Stawinoga, Agnieszka, Koboltschnig, Gernot, Gallmetzer, Willigis, Macconi, Pierpaolo, Hartmann, Soenke, Schneiderbauer, Stefan and Damyanovic, Doris ed. 14th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021: Natural Hazards in a Changing World 2021/05/31 - 2021/06/01 Norway. Klagenfurt: The International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT, 2021.
Document type:
Conference Proceeding
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Sub-type Conference proceedings Author Pedoth, Lydia
Elzbieta Stawinoga, Agnieszka
Koboltschnig, Gernot
Gallmetzer, Willigis
Macconi, Pierpaolo
Hartmann, Soenke
Schneiderbauer, Stefan
Damyanovic, DorisTitle of Event 14th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021: Natural Hazards in a Changing World Date of Event 2021/05/31 - 2021/06/01 Place of Event Norway Organizer The International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT Publication Date 2021 Place of Publication Klagenfurt Publisher The International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT Pages 33-40 Language eng Abstract This paper shows results from a population survey carried out in South Tyrol (Italy) and in Carinthia (Austria) as part of the Interreg Italy-Austria Project “RiKoST-Risk communication strategies” that aims at improved, target-group-oriented risk communication. The aim of the survey is to assess people’s 1) state of knowledge about natural hazards, 2) risk perception 3) suggestions on how to improve risk communication. A better understanding and information about these aspects are crucial for risk communication activities. The data were collected in 13 municipalities in South Tyrol and Carinthia using questionnaires. Results show that there is a lack of knowledge about existing hazard maps and that respondents want to be better informed and more involved but that at the same time they delegate the responsibilities in risk management to institutions. Thanks to the close collaboration between researchers and practitioners the results of the survey will be implemented in practice for the development of new risk communication tools and the improvement of existing measures. Keyword Risk governance
Risk perception
Risk communication
AlpsCopyright Holder The International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9783901164286 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5176207 -
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