COVID-19 and Progress on Subnational Localisation of the SDGs
Okitasari, Mahesti, Kandpal, Richa and Korwatanasakul, Upalat (2021). COVID-19 and Progress on Subnational Localisation of the SDGs. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability and United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific.
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Sub-type Research report Author Okitasari, Mahesti
Kandpal, Richa
Korwatanasakul, UpalatTitle COVID-19 and Progress on Subnational Localisation of the SDGs Publication Date 2021-09 Place of Publication Tokyo, Japan and Jakarta, Indonesia Publisher United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability and United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific Pages 47 Language eng Abstract According to the survey conducted by UNU-IAS and UCLG ASPAC in February 2021, the COVID-19 crisis has had adverse socioeconomic impacts on subnational governments (local and regional) and their progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) localisation in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. However, the impacts of the crisis on subnational governments are differentiated in terms of governance, finance, and actions towards attaining the SDGs. Simultaneously, the subnational response and policy priorities to the crisis include two cross-cutting components: urgent measures to respond to the emergency and their desired policy directions towards recovery and resilience. Keyword COVID-19
LocalisationCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability and United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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