Water-related disasters and their health impacts: A global review

Lee, Jiseon, Perera, Duminda, Glickman, Talia and Taing, Lina, (2020). Water-related disasters and their health impacts: A global review. Progress in Disaster Science, 8 1-17

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Lee, Jiseon
    Perera, Duminda
    Glickman, Talia
    Taing, Lina
    Title Water-related disasters and their health impacts: A global review
    Appearing in Progress in Disaster Science
    Volume 8
    Publication Date 2020-08-22
    Place of Publication Amsterdam
    Publisher Elsevier Ltd.
    Start page 1
    End page 17
    Language eng
    Abstract While the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts have dramatically increased over the past century, there is limited epidemiological evidence on the health impacts of these disasters. The paper examines the global trends andmain health impacts of these events based on databases and case studies, identifies gaps in the Sustainable Develop-ment Goals (SDGs) indicator framework for monitoring health impacts of disasters and suggests recommendationsto address these gaps. Natural disaster data and 38 case studies published from 2008 to 2018 were reviewed, and mea-sures of association (Risk Ratio, Odds Ratio, and Incidence Rate Ratio) were extracted from the case studies for quan-titative analysis. Thefindings of the review indicate that the SDGs lack of multifactorial disease and mental health riskfactors, as well as water-borne disease indicators, misses critical health-associated impacts offloods and droughts. Inparticular, the narrow focus on suicide as an indicator of mental health overlooks how anxiety disorders or post-trau-maticstress disorder (PTSD) can also have severe consequences for those affected by disasters. Health must beincludedin resilience-building initiatives at the individual, community, and national levels. Thefindings of the study suggestthat further implementation research of the Sendai Framework and disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts can contributeto the development of the broadly framed concept of health resilience to meet the needs of people at risk in disasters.
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2020
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100123
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    Created: Tue, 02 Feb 2021, 04:51:55 JST by Anderson, Kelsey on behalf of UNU INWEH