Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions
Nguyen, Minh Tu, Sebesvari, Zita, Souvignet, Maxime, Bachofer, Felix, Braun, Andreas, Garschagen, Matthias, Schinkel, Ulrike, Yang, Liang Emlyn, Nguyen, Linh Hoang Khanh, Hochschild, Volker, Assmann, André and Hagenlocher, Michael, (2021). Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 1-24
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Sub-type Journal article Author Nguyen, Minh Tu
Sebesvari, Zita
Souvignet, Maxime
Bachofer, Felix
Braun, Andreas
Garschagen, Matthias
Schinkel, Ulrike
Yang, Liang Emlyn
Nguyen, Linh Hoang Khanh
Hochschild, Volker
Assmann, André
Hagenlocher, MichaelTitle Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions Appearing in Journal of Flood Risk Management Publication Date 2021-01-23 Place of Publication Hoboken Publisher Wiley Start page 1 End page 24 Language eng Abstract Vietnam is exposed to different types of floods that cause severe economic losses, damage to infrastructure, and loss of life. Reliable information on the drivers, patterns and dynamics of flood risk is crucial for the identification, prioritization and planning of risk reduction and adaptation measures. Here, we present a systematic review of existing flood risk assessments in Vietnam. We evaluate the current status, persisting gaps, and challenges regarding the understanding and assessment of flood risk in the country. The literature review revealed that: (i) 65 % of the reviewed papers did not provide a clear definition of flood risk, (ii) assessments had a tendency to prioritize physical and environmental drivers of risk over social, economic or governance-related drivers, (iii) future-oriented assessments tended to focus on hazard and exposure trends, while vulnerability scenarios were often lacking, (iv) large and middle-sized cities were assessed more frequently than others, (v) only few studies engaged with relevant local stakeholders for the assessment of risk and the development of potential solutions, and (vi) ecosystem-based adaptation and flood risk insurance solutions were rarely considered. Based on these findings, we point out several directions for future research on flood risk in Vietnam. Keyword Disaster risk reduction
Integrated flood risk management
Risk assesment
VulnerabilityCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12689 -
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