Priority-setting to integrate sexual and reproductive health into universal health coverage: the case of Malaysia
Lim, Shiang Cheng, Yap, Yee Chern, Barmania, Sima, Govender, Veloshnee, Danhoundo, Georges and Remme, Michelle, (2020). Priority-setting to integrate sexual and reproductive health into universal health coverage: the case of Malaysia. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28(2), 1-24
Document type:
Sub-type Journal article Author Lim, Shiang Cheng
Yap, Yee Chern
Barmania, Sima
Govender, Veloshnee
Danhoundo, Georges
Remme, MichelleTitle Priority-setting to integrate sexual and reproductive health into universal health coverage: the case of Malaysia Appearing in Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters Check publisher's open access policy Volume 28 Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2020-11-25 Place of Publication London Publisher Informa UK Limited Start page 1 End page 24 Language eng Abstract Despite increasing calls to integrate and prioritise sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in universal health coverage (UHC) processes, several SRH services have remained a low priority in countries’ UHC plans. This study aims to understand the priority-setting process of SRH interventions in the context of UHC, drawing on the Malaysian experience. A realist evaluation framework was adopted to examine the priority-setting process for three SRH tracer interventions: pregnancy, safe delivery and post-natal care; gender-based violence (GBV) services; and abortion-related services. The study used a qualitative multi-method design, including a literature and document review, and 20 in-depth key informant interviews, to explore the context–mechanism–outcome configurations that influenced and explained the priority-setting process. Four key advocacy strategies were identified for the effective prioritisation of SRH services, namely: (1) generating public demand and social support, (2) linking SRH issues with public agendas or international commitments, (3) engaging champions that are internal and external to the public health sector, and (4) reframing SRH issues as public health issues. While these strategies successfully triggered mechanisms, such as mutual understanding and increased buy-in of policymakers to prioritise SRH services, the level and extent of prioritisation was affected by both inner and outer contextual factors, in particular the socio-cultural and political context. Priority-setting is a political decision-making process that reflects societal values and norms. Efforts to integrate SRH services in UHC processes need both to make technical arguments and to find strategies to overcome barriers related to societal values (including certain socio-cultural and religious norms). This is particularly important for sensitive SRH services, like GBV and safe abortion, and for certain populations. UNBIS Thesaurus GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE
MALAYSIAKeyword Universal health coverage Copyright Holder World Health Organisation (WHO) Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 0968-8080 DOI 10.1080/26410397.2020.1842153 -
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