A taxonomy of measures for smart cities

Backhouse, Judy, "A taxonomy of measures for smart cities" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.

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Conference Publication

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  • Sub-type Conference paper
    Author Backhouse, Judy
    Title A taxonomy of measures for smart cities
    Event Series International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV)
    Publication Date 2020-10
    Place of Publication New York
    Publisher ACM Press
    Pages 609-619
    Title of Event 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020)
    Date of Event 2020/09/23-25
    Place of Event Online
    Language eng
    Abstract As the idea of a smart city has developed over the past few decades and become commonplace, so the urge to decide which cities are smarter or smartest, and the need to measure progress of cities towards increasing smartness have emerged. Measuring the functioning of cities is complex given that they consist of many intersecting systems. Many different measures have been proposed, tested, and in some cases, implemented. This array of measures results in confusion for researchers, policy makers and city management. This review of the academic and practitioner literature, as well as web sites, identified and examined fifty-three different measures for cities. The characteristics of these measures were analysed based on information available from desktop research. Four types and twelve sub-types of smart city measures were identified. From this analysis, a taxonomy of smart city measures is presented. The potential uses of each subtype within the taxonomy are discussed.
    Keyword smart city measure
    smart city indicator
    smart city index
    smart city model
    maturity model
    indicator standard
    research line governance
    Copyright Holder ACM Press
    Copyright Year 2020
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9781450376747
    DOI 10.1145/3428502.3428593
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    Created: Fri, 06 Nov 2020, 21:23:01 JST by Mario Peixoto on behalf of UNU EGOV