No Power without Knowledge: A Discursive Subjectivities Approach to Investigate Climate-Induced (Im)mobility and Wellbeing
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, (2020). No Power without Knowledge: A Discursive Subjectivities Approach to Investigate Climate-Induced (Im)mobility and Wellbeing. Social Sciences, 9(6), 1-15
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Sub-type Journal article Author Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja Title No Power without Knowledge: A Discursive Subjectivities Approach to Investigate Climate-Induced (Im)mobility and Wellbeing Appearing in Social Sciences Volume 9 Issue No. 6 Publication Date 2020-06-15 Place of Publication Basel Publisher MDPI Start page 1 End page 15 Language eng Abstract During the last few decades we have seen a rapid growth in the body of literature on climate-induced human mobility or environmental migration. Meanwhile, in-depth people-centred studies investigating people’s (im)mobility decision-making as a highly complex and sociopsychological process are scarce. This is problematic as human decision-making behaviour and responses—including their success or failure—closely align with people’s wellbeing status. In this article, elaborations around why these under-representations of research narratives and existing methods will guide us towards a solution. The article proposes a conceptual model to help fill this gap that is inspired by Michel Foucault’s power and knowledge relationship and discursive subjectivities. The conceptual idea introduced by the article offers as a replicable approach and potential way forward that can support widening empirical research in the area of climate-induced (im)mobility decision-making and wellbeing. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE
DECISION-MAKINGKeyword Discipline and punishment
Non-economic loss and damage
Human mobility
Sustainable wellbeing
Trapped populationsCopyright Holder The Author Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.3390/socsci9060103 -
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