AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Roder, Giulia, Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain,Saroj, Rimba, Andi B. and Fukushi, Kensuke ed. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019/12/9-13 San Francisco. Online: American Geophysical Union, 2019.
Document type:
Conference Proceeding
Sub-type Conference proceedings Author Roder, Giulia
Mohan, Geetha
Rimba, Andi B.
Fukushi, KensukeTitle of Event AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Date of Event 2019/12/9-13 Place of Event San Francisco Publication Date 2019-12 Place of Publication Online Publisher American Geophysical Union Pages 1, I Language eng Abstract Since the 1950, the Government of India and the States Governments have invested large capitals in rural water supply with very positive outcomes. However, the intensification of industrial and human activities and the rising population growth are increasing competing demands on scarce water resources. While urban centers are coping with water scarcity and insufficient support structures, rural populations are marginalized in their water access, putting in jeopardy their livelihoods. Access to water is necessary for life but also for the well-being of people. Water deprivation affects economies, education access, health, and infrastructure development. During 2004 the VJNNS NGO provided a gravity-fed water supply system for the tribal communities situated in Eastern Ghat of Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh, India), being able to supply water throughout the year. This project pushed the need in understanding systematically the socioeconomic consequences coming from the presence of water and determine to what extent this system is sustainable in the long run in light of an increase in population. Results from a first key informants’ interview showed that time released from water collection is converted into income earned, women participation in the community activities and children to access education. Agricultural activities benefit in terms of yield and quality of crop through the transformation of normal cultivation in organic ones (e.g. coffee). Easier access to good water quality increased the community health, with less registered cases of diarrhea. In addition, water permitted the organization of festivals and religious celebrations, revitalizing people’s cultural identity. Community well-being is not only a qualitative instrument but also a quantitative indicator of sustainable development, thus we expect that further quantitative analyses would validate people’s perceptions. Successful stories are needed to validate scientifically the coupling benefits that water has on subjective well-being. These benefits need to register and monitored in order to help government policymakers to orient their political and managerial efforts towards the Sustainable Development agenda. Copyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Creative commons -
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