The Challenge of Accelerating Greek Judicial Procedure

Sarantis, Demetrios, "The Challenge of Accelerating Greek Judicial Procedure" 6th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2017), Lyon, 2017/08/28-31.

Document type:
Conference Publication

  • Sub-type Conference paper
    Author Sarantis, Demetrios
    Title The Challenge of Accelerating Greek Judicial Procedure
    Event Series International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective
    Publication Date 2017-07
    Place of Publication Cham
    Publisher Springer
    Pages 251-260
    Title of Event 6th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2017)
    Date of Event 2017/08/28-31
    Place of Event Lyon
    Language eng
    Abstract Ten years ago, the digitalization of public administration was put on the agenda in Greece by the Digital Strategy policy. Only now, though, does e-Justice appear to be gaining ground. The article explains the current situation in Greek judicial operation and highlights the problems, such as judicial delays. It then outlines the new Civil and Criminal Court Case Management System. Against this background, the potential of Greek e-Justice reform is discussed, along with the future challenges it faces. The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it provides a contribution to the debate on judicial efficiency by conducting an analysis on the existing data. On the other hand, it presents the attempt to resolve these problems through the introduction of a new system.
    Keyword court case management
    judicial efficiency
    Copyright Holder Springer
    Copyright Year 2017
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9783319642475
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-64248-2_18
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    Created: Thu, 08 Aug 2019, 00:12:44 JST by Mario Peixoto on behalf of UNU EGOV