Gender, environment and migration in Bangladesh
Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum and van der Geest, Kees, (2020). Gender, environment and migration in Bangladesh. Climate and Development, 12(1), 12-22
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Sub-type Journal article Author Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum
van der Geest, KeesTitle Gender, environment and migration in Bangladesh Appearing in Climate and Development Volume 12 Issue No. 1 Publication Date 2020 Place of Publication United Kingdom Publisher Taylor & Francis Start page 12 End page 22 Language eng Abstract This article addresses how gender norms impact the process of migration, and what this means for the use of migration as an adaptation strategy to cope with environmental stressors. Data was collected through qualitative fieldwork, taking the form of semi-structured and open-ended interviews and focus group discussions from a Dhaka slum and three villages in Southern Bangladesh’s Bhola district. Our data revealed that women migrate when environmental stress threatens livelihoods and leave male household members unable to earn enough income for their families. Employing an analytical framework that focuses on the perceptions of individuals, this article shows how gender norms create social costs for women who migrate. Women thus have ambivalent feelings about migration. On the one hand, they do not wish to migrate, taking on a double work load, forsaking their purdah, and facing the stigma that follows. On the other hand, women see migration as a means to help their families, and live a better life. While social costs negatively affect the utilization and efficiency of female migration as an adaptation strategy to environmental stressors, it becomes clear that female migration is imperative to sustain livelihoods within the Bhola community. UNBIS Thesaurus ENVIRONMENT
GENDERKeyword Adaptation Copyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1080/17565529.2019.1596059 -
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