The Meaning of Regional Integration : Introducing Positioning Theory in Regional Integration Studies
Sub-type Working paper Author Van Langenhove, Luk
Slocum-Bradley, NikkiTitle The Meaning of Regional Integration : Introducing Positioning Theory in Regional Integration Studies Volume/Issue No. 5 Publication Date 2003 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Language eng Abstract This paper proposes a constructionist and discursive approach and methodology for studyingregional integration and related issues, such as cooperation between states, the formation oftransnational regions as actors in governance, and identity and social cohesion. First, the paperpresents an alternative ontology for social science. Positioning theory is then introduced as ananalytical framework that highlights the meanings attributed to spaces, to persons seen asrepresenting those spaces, as well as the social tasks accomplished through theircommunications and interactions. This social-psychological perspective is of theoretical andpractical use, as it illuminates possibilities for change in conception and action. A brief discussionof validity and reliability criteria for the new framework is offered, and Foresight is suggested asa congruent methodology due to its participatory, prospective, and active orientation. Finally,some broader implications of the approach are explored, and future research directions aresuggested.
Copyright Holder UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Copyright Year 2003 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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