Setting the Scene: the European Union’s Engagement with Transnational Policy Networks
Author Kingah, Stephen
Schmidt, Vivien
Yong, WangTitle Setting the Scene: the European Union’s Engagement with Transnational Policy Networks Appearing in Contemporary Politics Volume 21 Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2015 Place of Publication Oxford Publisher Routledge Start page 231 End page 244 Language EN Abstract This article serves as a tool to set the scene in this special issue on the manner in which the European Union (EU) engages transnational policy networks (TPNs). It paints a canvas of the main themes to be treated in articles that span a variety of thematic areas. Six main lines of inquiry are developed to better feed into the various themes covered by the specific articles. The lines of inquiry used include modalities or ways in which the EU influences TPNs around the world, TPNs' influence of policy and decisionmaking within the EU, conditions under which engagement between the EU and TPNs can be considered successful, the identity and location of the TPNs, and the utility or otherwise of an EU strategy to weaken or strengthen engagement with TPNs.
Copyright Holder Taylor and Francis Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type All Rights Reserved -
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