The Small N Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Regional Integration

Genna, Gaspare and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2010). The Small N Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Regional Integration. Journal of European Integration, 32(6), 583-595

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  • Author Genna, Gaspare
    De Lombaerde, Philippe
    Title The Small N Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Regional Integration
    Appearing in Journal of European Integration
    Volume 32
    Issue No. 6
    Publication Date 2010
    Place of Publication Abingdon
    Publisher Taylor and Francis
    Start page 583
    End page 595
    Language EN

    As the number of regional integration organizations increases, the attention to case selection in small‐N qualitative analysis becomes more necessary in order to avoid selection biases that could produce results with doubtful generalizations. This paper addresses the problem of selecting cases and offers solutions to potential pitfalls in research. First we examine various research designs in qualitative methods and discuss the problems of selecting observations on the dependent variable. We next discuss the operational definition of regions. In order to select from a population of observations, it is important to understand what is and what is not included. Finally, a few implications are presented for the EU studies community.

    Copyright Holder Taylor and Francis
    Copyright Year 2010
    Copyright type All Rights Reserved
    DOI 10.1080/07036337.2010.518717
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    Created: Fri, 15 Feb 2019, 13:43:33 JST