Displacement and Resettlement: Understanding the Role of Climate Change in Contemporary Migration
Heslin, Alison, Deckard, Natalie, Oakes, Robert and Montero-Colbert, Arianna, "Displacement and Resettlement: Understanding the Role of Climate Change in Contemporary Migration" in Loss and Damage from Climate Change Concepts, Methods and Policy Options ed. Mechler, Reinhard, Bouwer, Laurens, Schinko, Thomas, Surminski, Swenja and Linnerooth-Bayer, JoAnne (Cham: Springer, 2018), 237-258.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Heslin, Alison
Deckard, Natalie
Oakes, Robert
Montero-Colbert, AriannaBook Editor Mechler, Reinhard
Bouwer, Laurens
Schinko, Thomas
Surminski, Swenja
Linnerooth-Bayer, JoAnneChapter Title Displacement and Resettlement: Understanding the Role of Climate Change in Contemporary Migration Book Title Loss and Damage from Climate Change Concepts, Methods and Policy Options Publication Date 2018 Place of Publication Cham Publisher Springer Start page 237 End page 258 Language eng Abstract How do we understand displacement and resettlement in the context of climate change? This chapter outlines challenges and debates in the literature connecting climate change to the growing global flow of people. We begin with an outline of the literature on environmental migration, specifically the definitions, measurements, and forms of environmental migration. The discussion then moves to challenges in the reception of migrants, treating the current scholarship on migrant resettlement. We detail a selection of cases in which the environment plays a role in the displacement of a population, including sea level rise in Pacific Island States, cyclonic storms in Bangladesh, and desertification in West Africa, as well as the role of deforestation in South America’s Southern Cone as a driver of both climate change and migration. We outline examples of each, highlighting the complex set of losses and damages incurred by populations in each case. Keyword Science
Climate justice
Limits to adaptation
Climate risk management
TransformationCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2018 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9783319720 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-72026-5_10 -
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